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Localize DQN

Warning: Not official code, not achieving promising results yet and somewhat slow

Help wanted! Any suggestion would be really appreciated.

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  1. This repo attempts to reproduce Tree-Structured Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Object Localization with pytorch 1.4.0.

    • Requirements(higher or lower versions might also work well)

    • Branches

      • main: (Try this first)

        • basic code
        • load images from disk
        • fix ratio to 1:1 and image size to (224, 224)
        • support voc2007 and voc2012 combined dataset: training on 07+12 trainval(~16000 pics), testing on 07 test(~5000 pics)
      • faster:

        • pre-extracted feature map to speed up
        • support loading all feature map to memory
        • keep original ratio and resize longest edge to defined size (eg. 500)
        • support voc2007 only: training on 07 trainval(~5000 pics), testing on 07 test(~5000 pics)
    • Usage

      • training

        • mkdir model_params
        • change settings by set_args() and global variables
        • python
      • evaluating

        • eg. python --model_name debug --model_check_point epoch_x_iter_x.pth.tar
        • result.json will save to ./model_params/debug
      • visualizing

        • eg. python --json_path ./model_params/debug/results.json --vis_dir vis --num_images 50
        • ./model_params/debug/vis will be created and stores bbox-tree pictures
      • extracting

        • eg. python --year 2007 --image_set trainval --max_size 500
        • see in branch faster for more details
    • Dataset

      • torchvision.datasets.VOCDetection support downloading VOC2007 and VOC2012 by change download=True
      • Or mkdir data and follow the file structures shown below:
      ├── feature_map_2007_trainval.h5
      ├── img_info_2007_trainval.pkl
      ├── voc2007
      │   └── VOCdevkit
      └── voc2012
          └── VOCdevkit
  2. Overview of the model and search method from original paper:

    • Tree-RL


    • Q-Net: States


    • Actions


  3. Major implementation difference between this repo and original paper: (For the sake of speed)

    • (ResNet50 + average pooling) instead of (VGG16 + flatten) is used in the feature map extractor. see model/encoder.pyfor more details.

    • Only 4 layers of the tree is generated (including the root node) during evaluate searching.

    • Reduce action history in states from 50 to 3.*

    • Reduce maximum searching steps during training from 50 to 15.

      * : In my opinion, since I adopt 4-layer tree which requires only 3 actions search from root to leaf, setting action history to larger size simply adds additional zeros to the input.

  4. Results (based on Branch faster)

    • training speed: around 30 minutes per epoch

    • training curves:

      • P/R of test set curve1

      • epsilon / loss / reward: smoothing=0.999 curve2

    • examples: from layer 0 to layer 3, blue bboxes are ground truth while red bboxes are predicted by agent modified based on this repo

      example-0 example-1 example-2 example-3

  5. Problems(Help wanted!)

    • Huge gap between my implementation and original paper.
    • Loss is really hard to converge.
    • Reward seems improving slowly.
    • Visualization of bbox scaling and moving is not very convincing.
    • Scaled up dataset (07+12) shows little improvement to final performance but achieves 3x training time.


Localization agent powered by DQN






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