This is an info collection about IT interviews. Primarily it aims at helping juniors to prepare themselves for a job interview. I have also added some recommendations for technical interviewers, employers.
This collection is not a kit for learning but for challenging your knowledge. You have to go through learning materials and to code a lot to gather your knowledge. This collection provides a feedback for yourself and it shows not only what interviewers usually ask but how they do it.
If you need a guide how you should start coding or how to structure your learning plan, I have a short introduction here on how to start programming and will publish soon publish a
You can read interview questions here for all the main programming languages and technologies*. I hope to be able soon to write detailed solutions and code snippets for them:
- JavaScript technologies: core JavaScript, Node.js
- OOP and OOP supporting languages: C# , Java, C++
- Script languages: Python
Many hiring processes contain exercises. All types may occur: fast tests, on-the-spot coding, home assignments.
- Home Assignments - 2 to 3 hours long coding challenges
- Ticking tests - see such questions in the Languages section
- Short coding exercises - typicly you should solve such exercises during the interview or you have 5-10 minutes to work on them and then you should perform your solution
*What is a programming language?
It is a regular question how we should define programming concepts. Many people point out loud that HTML is not a programming language and we have regular problems about deciding if a given technology is a language, a platform, an environment, a library or other entity. If you are interested in such questions, visit my Theoretical Programming FAQ, but here I will be remiss on this question and put Node.js to the group of languages.