Tweeets is a simple web application that allows users to create, edit, and delete tweets. Each tweet consists of a description, and optionally, an image. Users can also view tweets created by other users. To interact with the application (create, edit, or delete tweets), users must first authenticate themselves first.
Create a Tweet: Users can create a tweet with a description and optionally upload an image to accompany the tweet.
View Tweets: All users (both authenticated and unauthenticated) can view tweets created by others on the platform.
Edit a Tweet: Users can edit their previously created tweets if they want to make changes.
Delete a Tweet: Users have the option to delete their own tweets if they no longer wish them to be visible.
User Authentication: Users must authenticate themselves to create, edit, or delete tweets. Without authentication, they can only view tweets posted by others.
Django: Used as the main web framework for building the application.
Django Templating Engine: Used to dynamically render HTML templates with data from the backend.
SQLite3 (db.sqlite3): A lightweight database used to store tweets and user information.
Django.contrib.auth: Django's built-in authentication system for managing user logins, registrations, and session management.
Django Tailwind: Integrated Tailwind CSS for styling the application, enabling modern and responsive design with utility-first classes..