This features rich discord music bot is designed to provide a simple and straightforward way to play music in your Discord server. It includes a set of basic commands to help you queue, play, and control the music playback.
- Clean: Clean all the bot messages.
- Invite: Invite the bot to your server.
- Ping: Use this command for testing the bot's response.
- 8D: Toggle the 8D vocal filter.
- Back: Play the previous track.
- Clear: Remove all tracks from the queue (without stopping the current track).
- Jump: Jump to a track at a specific position in the queue.
- List: List all track information in the queue.
- Lyrics: Get lyrics for the current song.
- Pause: Pause the current playing song.
- Play: Play and enqueue a track from a given URL or search keyword.
- Remove: Remove a track from a given position in the queue.
- Replay: Replay the current track.
- Resume: Resume the paused song.
- Seek: Seek the player to a specific timestamp.
- Shuffle: Toggle shuffle mode for the queue.
- Skip: Skip the current playing song.
- Skipto: Skip to a specific position in the queue.
- Stop: Stop the player.
- Vocalboost: Toggle the vocal boost filter.
- Help: See all commands info
- Node.js - A JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development.
- TypeScript - A statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- Discord.js v14.15.3 - A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API.
- Discord Player js - A robust framework for developing Discord Music bots using JavaScript and TypeScript.
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
npm install
Config the bot
- Create a discord bot and get the required info
- create and .env file and add these variables
Run and build the bot
npm run dev #for run npm run build #for build