Simple C# App built using Avalonia UI. It checks the letters in the string entered and sees how many vowels are present(AEIOUaeiou)
- Go to Releases
- Click on the zip file for the OS you're using( for 64bit Linux, for 64bit Windows)
- Extract the Zip and run the exe file VowelCountApp.Destkop.exe(./VowelCountApp.Desktop for linux users)
- Go to Releases
- Download the signed APK and install it on your device
- Open the App
- Git clone and Enter the folder
git clone; cd VowelCountApp_CrossPlatform
- Set up a .NET 8.0 Environment using the install script.
- Run the restore command to install deps quickly:
dotnet workload restore
- Compile the Program
dotnet build VowelCountApp/VowelCountApp.Desktop --configuration Release
- Remember to replace Desktop with Android, iOS, or Browser if you're building for a different target.
- If you're building for Android, remember to set up your Android SDK environment
- Package the Program
dotnet publish VowelCountApp/VowelCountApp.Desktop --configuration Release --output ./output
- Retrieve the Built Files from the output folder
- On (x)Wayland, the blur is broken and X11 is untested. The AvaloniaUI Media Player App guide says this about the blur stuff:
Note, Linux users can not yet take advantage of this due to limitations of X11. The code will run and the window will still work on Linux, but the full effect will not be realised.
- This same issue exists on Android as well
- No Native Wayland support is available
- Mac, iOS, Web support is broken/untested
- Clicking on the button before entering the string crashes the app
- Dan Walmsley for the Music Store App Guide
- Joel Paul for helping me out in-person