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Overview is a FastAPI application that provides endpoints for summarizing articles using a Hugging Face transformer model and storing/retrieving articles in/from MongoDB.


json: For handling JSON data. Dict: For type annotations. FastAPI: Framework for building APIs. HTTPException: For raising HTTP errors. BaseModel: For data validation using Pydantic. pipeline: From transformers for text summarization. MongoClient: From pymongo for MongoDB operations. load_dotenv: For loading environment variables from a .env file. os: For environment variable access. quote_plus: For URL encoding MongoDB credentials. FastAPI Application Setup app: FastAPI application instance. MongoDB Configuration Load environment variables: Database, username, and password are retrieved from environment variables. URL Encoding: MongoDB credentials are URL-encoded. Connection String: Constructs the connection string for MongoDB. Initialize MongoDB Client: Connects to MongoDB and selects the database and collection. Hugging Face Summarization Pipeline summarizer: Loads the facebook/bart-large-cnn model for summarizing text. Pydantic Models ArticleSourceLocation: Represents the location of the article source. ArticleSource: Represents the source of the article, including domain and location. Article: Represents the article data structure.


  1. POST /summarize_article

Description: Summarizes the provided article body and stores the article in MongoDB. Request Body: { "uri": "string", "title": "string", "body": "string", "publication_datetime": "string", "lang": "string", "url": "string", "source": { "domain": "string", "location": { "country": "string", "state": "string", "city": "string", "coordinates": { "lat": float, "lon": float } } } } Responses: 200 OK: Returns the URI and the summary of the article. 500 Internal Server Error: If there’s an issue saving the article

  1. GET /result/{uri}

Description: Retrieves the summarized article from MongoDB based on the URI. Path Parameter: uri: URI of the article to retrieve. Responses: 200 OK: Returns the article’s URI, title, and summary. 404 Not Found: If the article with the specified URI does not exist.

Usage Instructions

  1. Start the FastAPI Server:

Run the FastAPI application using a command like: uvicorn source_code:app --reload

  1. Summarize an Article:

Endpoint: POST /summarize_article Method: POST Body: Provide a JSON object with article details as described above. Example Request:

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "uri": "test-uri", "title": "test-title", "body": "This is a test body for summarization.", "publication_datetime": "2024-08-15T14:01:03+00:00", "lang": "en", "url": "", "source": { "domain": "", "location": { "country": "TestCountry", "state": "TestState", "city": "TestCity", "coordinates": { "lat": 0.0, "lon": 0.0 } } } }'

  1. Retrieve a Summarized Article:

Endpoint: GET /result/{uri} Method: GET Path Parameter: Replace {uri} with the actual URI of the article.

Example: curl ""

uses ray to do replication

performs unit_tests for all the api functionalities


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