- segments cells using stardist
- tracks cells using trackpy
- visualises tracks and plots shape features
- install python using anaconda (or miniconda https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html)
- open terminal and navigate to a suitable folder on a disk with enough space (cd ...)
- git clone https://github.com/m-albert/seg_track_shape_2d.git
- cd seg_track_shape_2d
- on MAC:
- check if gcc-9 is installed, if not run 'brew install gcc'
- export CC=gcc-9
- export CXX=g++-9
- conda env create --file seg_track_shape.yml
- open terminal and navigate to folder /seg_track_shape_2d
- conda activate seg_track_shape
- jupyter notebook (a browser window should open)
- in the browser, open the notebook segment_track_analyse.ipynb