Archive Note: The Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Gymnasium now provides its Vertretungsplan via an app. Due to these circumstances the development of this project is now suspended.
Vertretungsplan: Representation/Substitution plan (plan showing replacements for classes that cannot take place like they regularly would)
Vertretungsplan-FSG is a python project which displays the Vertretungsplan of the FSG school in a for students accessiable place: A Messenger. It also makes to whole process a lot easier and more comfortable.
So basically it's a messenger bot and a webscraper for my schools website which holds the Vertretungplan.
FSG is just the shortform of Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Gymnasium Großröhrsdorf. A school in Saxony, Germany.
Why don't just visit the website and read the Vertretungsplan there? Each time you want to view the Vertretungplan you need to go to the website, navigate to the Vertretungsplan, enter some credentials (which are the same for everybody), mostly type in the credentials a second time, than need to press an extra link to view the page correctly on mobile devices and then press on the plan for the next day. Those are some steps which can quickly become quite annoying. Also you can quickly lose the overview by all this Vertretung oftentimes. Many students don't check this site because of those whole steps it involves and because it's just circumstantial. This is where the bot comes into play: Displaying the Vertretungplan at an accessible place where many students spend much time anyways.
Telegram offers a powerful API.