by renaming UNRELEASED to a concrete version x.y.0
and create a PR with commit: Release x.y.0
Branch name should match the version set in CHANGELOG but only include major and minor version: vx.y
(e.g. v1.1).
Additionally tag that same commit with 0
as a patch version (if branch is v1.1 - tag is v1.1.0).
Rename UNRELEASED to a concrete version
. If previous major was v1.1.0, new version will
be v1.1.1.
Commit changes, create pr, and create a tag.
Rebase released branch onto develop.
This is a simplified workflow to avoid cherry-picks and maintaining changelog in several branches.
Cherry-pick selected commits to major release branch.
Copy selected commits to CHANGELOG.md.
Rename UNRELEASED to a concrete version
Commit changes, and create a tag.
After releasing a new major or minor version, create a new UNRELEASED section at the top of CHANGELOG.md:
### Upgrade information
### Highlights
### Features
### Improvements
Additionally if a dddd_next.sql
exists in sql/migrations/state
and/or sql/migrations/local
rename it to
where x.y.z
is the new version and dddd
is the next available number.
The first PR that needs a DB migrations creates a new dddd_next.sql
file in sql/migrations/state