This page lists the main technical resources available about the Spacemesh Protocol, as well as the Github repos that are used to implement the Spacemesh cryptocurrency.
Developer oriented protocol documentation.
These are the Github repo that are used to implement the protocol.
Implementation of a Spacemesh full node written in go lang.
The Spacemesh virtual machine runtime and tools written in Rust.
Go bindings for SVM. Used to embed SVM in go-spacemesh.
Implementation of the Spacemesh proof of elapsed time service in go lang.
Custom Ed25519 signature scheme library used to sign Spacemesh transactions. Drop-in replacement for go lang ed25519 lib with additional features such as extraction of public key from message and signature. Used in go-spacemesh.
Builds a WASM library from ED25519. Used in Smapp to sign transactions.
Fixed math arithmetics lib used in go-spacemesh.
Spacemesh ledger app, enabling users to sign Spacemesh transactions using a ledger device.
A c library for generating proofs of space using gpu compute. Used in go-spacemesh.
A cross platform electron app which contains a wallet and user interface for managing a local go-spacemesh full node and mining.
A reference CLI Wallet utilizing the Spacemesh API and a local full node.
Specification and implementation of Spacemesh full-node api services. Implemented by go-spacemesh full nodes and used by clients such as CLIWallet and Smapp to interact with a full node.