A Go program to detect bit flips caused by cosmic rays
This program makes an array of unsigned 64 bit integers taking up a certain amount of memory (1 GiB default). Every delay seconds (60 default) we inspect all values in the array, and if any have changed we store the bit flip information and display it in the program.
An example of the bit flip information that we store is:
f := flip{
Value: 2,
Binary: "00000010",
NumChangedBits: 1,
ChangedBits: "______X_"
Duration: 2.307184703s // how long the value was stored before it was changed
Time: 2019-08-02 13:29:15.719184 -0700 PDT m=+2.409464913 // when the bit flip happened
make run
to run the program
go build -o build/cosmicraydetector -i cmd/main.go
# XXX is the memory block size that is reserved in MiB
build/cosmicraydetector -blockSize=XXXX
make test
to run tests