This section describes how can you create a new data source object, along with all needed information: the data messages, the summary statistics, the alarms and devices. For this example we will use a simple indoor air quality device, Tongdy G01-IAQ, documented here
Before writing the new DS object, make sure you collect the following details:
if it is a a hardware device: the model and type
if it is a software, the name of the software, version, architecture
the protocol used to communicate, for example MODBUS or SERIAL ASCII POLLED, or TCP
and the parameters required for analysis and visualisation
These are important requisites, before starting to map data to a new data source object. Always start from hardware model and vendor if you add new physical devices, do not create abstract data source names without a clear need.
For our example, Tongdy G01-IAQ, we start by simple writing down the hardware details about the device:
- manufacturer: Tongdy
- device: G01-IAQ
- model: in this case is the same as the device name: G01-IAQ
- protocol: this device uses MODBUS-RTU
We will define a new object, called tongdy_g01, to map all collected information, from vendor to the hardware device model, protocol.
From this device we are interested in few parameters, like air temperature (Ta), relative humidity (Rh), the carbon dioxide (CO2) and the volatile organic compound (VOC). We will define a single message for all these parameters, fetching data every 60 seconds, with a STALL alarm of 120seconds.
The STALLL alarm defines the maximum number of seconds after which we set an alarm marking no data was received. Since we receive data every minute from this device, the STALL alarm of 2 minutes is more than enough. The SLI means the Service Level Indicator, and it is used to mark that this message is directly linked in marking the data source as being STALLed.
Note: there are data sources which can have one or many messages, and not all messages will be direct responsbile for the data source state. Maybe only part of the messages will direct affect the data source status: ONLINE, OFFLINE. The SLI marker is used exactly to mark what messages are direct linked to the data source status.
This will be the JSON defintion of the message:
"iaq_g01": {
"id": "iaq_g01",
"rawdata": "",
"stall": 120,
"sli": "yes",
"format": {
"fields_separator": ":",
"fields": [
"name": "subscription_id",
"type": "metadata",
"role": "subscription_id"
"name": "ds_id",
"type": "metadata",
"role": "ds_id"
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "timestamp",
"timestamp_format": "unix"
"name": "device_id",
"type": "metadata",
"role": "device_id"
"name": "ta",
"type": "numeric"
"name": "rh",
"type": "numeric"
"name": "td",
"type": "numeric"
"name": "co2",
"type": "numeric"
"name": "voc",
"type": "numeric"
"name": "hash",
"type": "hash",
"function": "sha256"
"statistics": [...]
The last part will describe what summary statistics are associated to each parameter. These are direct connected to how and what data we present on the UI: charts, indicators, maximum or minimum per day of certain parameters. For all our recorded metrics we have selected the following summary statistics functions: MIN, MAX, MEAN and LAST.
Another part of the summary statistics functions comes over what period of time are we gonna record and keep these numbers.
For example here is defined for a single parameter, like air temperature what summary statistics functions we gonna need and their time intervals.
"name": "ta",
"functions": {
"MEAN": [ [900, 900], [3600, 3600], [21600, 21600], [86400, 86400], [21600, 60], [43200, 300], [86400, 600], [604800, 3600], [2592000, 10800], [ 7776000, 32400 ], [ 15552000, 64800 ], [ 31104000, 86400] ],
"MAX": [ [900, 900], [3600, 3600], [21600, 21600], [86400, 86400], [21600, 60], [43200, 300], [86400, 600], [604800, 3600], [2592000, 10800], [ 7776000, 32400 ], [ 15552000, 64800 ], [ 31104000, 86400] ],
"MIN": [ [900, 900], [3600, 3600], [21600, 21600], [86400, 86400], [21600, 60], [43200, 300], [86400, 600], [604800, 3600], [2592000, 10800], [ 7776000, 32400 ], [ 15552000, 64800 ], [ 31104000, 86400] ],
"LAST": [ [60, 60], [900, 900], [3600, 3600], [21600, 21600], [86400, 86400], [21600, 60], [43200, 300], [86400, 600], [604800, 3600], [2592000, 10800], [ 7776000, 32400 ], [ 15552000, 64800 ], [ 31104000, 86400] ]
Submit your new object defintion to for final validation, providing the following information. The computational value will be calculated by Kronometrix team.
- Software
- Hardware
- Manufacturer:
- Device:
- Model:
- Version (Software only):
- Architecture (Software only):
- Protocol:
- Message Name:
- Message ID:
- Raw data:
- STALL Alarm:
- SLI: Yes/No
- Parameters:
- Statistics:
- Time Intervals:
Finally the new data source object, tongdy_g01, as JSON: