sspa provides a Python interface for metabolomics pathway analysis. In addition to conventional methods over-representation analysis (ORA) and gene/metabolite set enrichment analysis (GSEA), it also provides a wide range of single-sample pathway analysis (ssPA) methods.
- Over-representation analysis
- Metabolite set enrichment analysis (based on GSEA)
- Single-sample pathway analysis
- Compound identifier conversion
- Pathway database download (KEGG, Reactome, and MetExplore metabolic networks)
Although this package is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for metabolomics pathway analysis, the methods are also applicable to other datatypes such as normalised RNA-seq data.
Full walkthrough notebook available on Google Colab:
Documentation is available on our Read the Docs page
pip install sspa
Load Reactome pathways
reactome_pathways = sspa.process_reactome(organism="Homo sapiens")
Load some example metabolomics data in the form of a pandas DataFrame:
covid_data_processed = sspa.load_example_data(omicstype="metabolomics", processed=True)
Generate pathway scores using kPCA method
kpca_scores = sspa.sspa_kpca(covid_data_processed, reactome_pathways)
# Pre-loaded pathways
# Reactome v78
reactome_pathways = sspa.process_reactome(organism="Homo sapiens")
# KEGG v98
kegg_human_pathways = sspa.process_kegg(organism="hsa")
Load a custom GMT file (extension .gmt or .csv)
custom_pathways = sspa.process_gmt("wikipathways-20220310-gmt-Homo_sapiens.gmt")
Download latest version of pathways
# download KEGG latest
kegg_mouse_latest = sspa.process_kegg("mmu", download_latest=True, filepath=".")
# download Reactome latest
reactome_mouse_latest = sspa.process_reactome("Mus musculus", download_latest=True, filepath=".")
# download the conversion table
compound_names = processed_data.columns.tolist()
conversion_table = sspa.identifier_conversion(input_type="name", compound_list=compound_names)
# map the identifiers to your dataset
processed_data_mapped = sspa.map_identifiers(conversion_table, output_id_type="ChEBI", matrix=processed_data)
ora = sspa.sspa_ora(processed_data_mapped, covid_data["Group"], reactome_pathways, 0.05, DA_testtype='ttest', custom_background=None)
# perform ORA
ora_res = ora.over_representation_analysis()
# get t-test results
# obtain list of differential molecules input to ORA
sspa.sspa_gsea(processed_data_mapped, covid_data['Group'], reactome_pathways)
# ssclustPA
ssclustpa_res = sspa.sspa_ssClustPA(processed_data_mapped, reactome_pathways)
# kPCA
kpca_scores = sspa.sspa_kpca(processed_data_mapped, reactome_pathways)
# z-score
zscore_res = sspa.sspa_zscore(processed_data_mapped, reactome_pathways)
svd_res = sspa.sspa_svd(processed_data_mapped, reactome_pathways)
# ssGSEA
ssgsea_res = sspa.sspa_ssGSEA(processed_data_mapped, reactome_pathways)
If you found this package useful, please consider citing us:
ssPA package
author = {Cecilia Wieder and Nathalie Poupin and Clément Frainay and Florence Vinson and Juliette Cooke and Rachel PJ Lai and Jacob G Bundy and Fabien Jourdan and Timothy MD Ebbels},
doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.6959120},
month = {8},
title = {cwieder/py-ssPA: v1.0.4},
url = {},
year = {2022},
Single-sample pathway analysis in metabolomics
author = {Cecilia Wieder and Rachel P J Lai and Timothy M D Ebbels},
doi = {10.1186/s12859-022-05005-1},
issn = {1471-2105},
issue = {1},
journal = {BMC Bioinformatics},
pages = {481},
title = {Single sample pathway analysis in metabolomics: performance evaluation and application},
volume = {23},
url = {},
year = {2022},
Read our contributor's guide to get started
- Removal of rpy2 dependency for improved compatibility across systems
- Use GSEApy as backend for GSEA and ssGSEA
- Minor syntax changes
is nowora.DA_test_res
(as we can implement t-test or MWU tests)sspa_fgsea()
is nowsspa_gsea()
and uses gseapy as the backend rather than R fgseasspa_gsva()
is temporarily deprecated due to the need for the rpy2 compatability - use the GSVA R package