A Python IoT Project to ensure the quality preservation of perishable goods during transport. This is done by monitoring variables that affect the quality of perishable goods, using sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi.
- Temperature (Degrees Celsius)
- Humidity (%)
- Shock (Watts per square meter? Perhaps standardise to %?)
- Light (Lumens? Perhaps standardise to %?)
- Raspberry Pi 3B+, 40 GPIO
- Analog to Digital converter: MCP3008, 10 bits, 8 channels
- Temperature and humidity: DHT22
rpi with python<3.6
telegram with python>=3.6 (tested on 3.11)
installation of all libraries stated in requirements.txt
It is recommended to use a virtual environment to avoid version conflict with other packages Contact us for the secrets Do also change the IP address of the Telegram server in constants.py
Id: 2597196