This is my personally use neovim config.
My main work on Go, PHP, You can fork this repositorie and modify it until you like.
The config only test on macOS + iTerm2 + neovim.
Install plugins dependencies:
- neovim python support:
pip2 install neovim
&&pip3 install neovim
- vim-plug: see
- Ag for code search and speed up ctrlp:
brew install the_silver_searcher
- upgrade ctags for tagbar:
brew install ctags
- coc for code complete:
- auto format support by neoformat:
- html & javascript & css & json
npm -g install js-beautify
- shell
go get -u
- markdown
npm install --global prettier
- html & javascript & css & json
- link config:
ln -s /path/to/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
- neovim python support:
Install plugins: Open vim and :PlugInstall
Tip: Only custom key mapping listed, Other plugin are using default
- coc LSP support
jump to definitiongb
jump back<leader>dt
jump to definition new tab<leader>dv
jump to definition vsplit<leader>dx
jump to definition split
- File explore & File search
ctrl + e
nerdtree: file explorectrl + p
ctrlp: quick search filectrl + r
nerdtree & ctrlp: refreshctrl + t
nerdtree & ctrlp: open in tabctrl + v
nerdtree & ctrlp: open V splitctrl + x
nerdtree & ctrlp: open X split<leader>nf
nerdtree force file
- Git
vim-fugitive:git status
vim-fugitive:git diff
vim-fugitive:git commit
vim-fugitive:git add
vim-fugitive:git log
- tcomment for comment
- comment:
- comment:
- vim-fugitive for git
git status<leader>gd
git diff<leader>gw
git write<leader>gc
git commit<leader>gp
git push<leader>gb
git blame<leader>gl
git log
- Dash for show document
dash search
- leader is
ctrl + t
new tabshift + h
gTshift + l
gtctrl + k
=ctrl + w + (up)
ctrl + j
=ctrl + w + (down)
ctrl + l
=ctrl + w + (right)
ctrl + h
=ctrl + w + (left)
- tab is 4 width tab, no space
- clipboard on macOS is shared with system
move line up]e
move line downAck:
for global search- using :Gist for manage github gist