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Javascript and Typescript SDK for Speechmatics


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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Documentation
  3. Installation
  4. Authentication
    1. Bearer authentication
    2. JWT authentication
  5. Running realtime transcription in Node.js
  6. Running realtime transcription in browsers
  7. Transcription Configuration Options
  8. Examples
  9. Node Example
  10. Contributing
  11. Feedback & Help

Speechmatics Javascript SDK

Official JS/TS SDK for Speechmatics API.

To access the API you need to have an account with Speechmatics. You can sign up for a free trial here.


The documentation for the API can be found here.

More examples on how to use the SDK can be found in the examples folder.

Our Portal is also a good source of information on how to use the API. You can find it here. Check out Upload and Realtime Demo sections.


npm install speechmatics


In order to use the SDK, authentication is needed. Generate an API key in the Portal. You can find more information on how to do that here.

The section below explains the different options available for authenticating using your API key.

An API key can be used in 2 different ways for authentication:

  1. Bearer authentication. It will be directly used by the SDK to generate the http Authorization header.
  2. Obtaining a short-lived token (JWT).

Bearer authentication

Bearer authentication will be used by the SDK if you pass an API key, as opposed to a JWT, when the SDK instance is created:

import { RealtimeSession } from 'speechmatics';

const sm = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_API_KEY);

It is important to note in Browsers, or any client, you should never use Bearer authentication (option 1) as this exposes your API key which is NOT a short-lived token. The above example is meant for server-side Node code.

JWT authentication

You can use your API key on the serverside to obtain a JWT for an authenticated user. These tokens are short-lived and won't be valid for authentication after they expire. A new JWT can be requested at any time. The http request for obtaining a JWT is as follows:

  • Request type: POST
  • Request URL:
  • URL query parameter: type with possible values: batch or rt
  • Headers: Content-Type: application/json and Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
  • Body: JSON encoded object with the field ttl. The value for ttl is a number that indicates for how many seconds the token will be valid. Between 60 and 3600

Example of a request for a realtime JWT valid for 1 hour:

curl -L -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_API_KEY" \
     -d '{"ttl": 3600}'

A valid JWT can then be passed to the RealtimeSession constructor:

import { RealtimeSession } from 'speechmatics';

const session = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_JWT);


  const session = new RealtimeSession({apiKey: YOUR_JWT});

There is also the option to provide an async callback to fetch a JWT. This is useful if you want the SDK to refresh the JWT before it expires.

const session = new RealtimeSession({
  apiKey: async () => {
    // ... implement your JWT fetching here

Running realtime transcription in Node.js

This examples shows you how to set up and run a realtime session on a Node.js backend server using a file as an input.

import { RealtimeSession } from 'speechmatics';

// imports helpful for the file streaming
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// init the session
const session = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_API_KEY);

//add listeners
session.addListener('RecognitionStarted', () => {

session.addListener('Error', (error) => {
  console.log('session error', error);

session.addListener('AddTranscript', (message) => {
  console.log('AddTranscript', message);

session.addListener('AddPartialTranscript', (message) => {
  console.log('AddPartialTranscript', message);

session.addListener('EndOfTranscript', () => {

//start session which is an async method
session.start().then(() => {
  //prepare file stream
  const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(
    path.join(__dirname, 'example_files/example.wav'),

  //send it
  fileStream.on('data', (sample) => {
    console.log('sending audio', sample.length);

  //end the session
  fileStream.on('end', () => {

Running realtime transcription in browsers

Because our API keys are persistent, it is important to remember not to use them to authenticate on the client side. Instead, we recommend generating a short-lived JWT on the server side using your API key and providing this JWT as an argument to the RealtimeSession constructor:

const session = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_JWT);

Full Example

This examples shows you how to run the SDK in a web app using the in-built MediaRecorder browser class to access the computer's microphone devices.

import { RealtimeSession } from 'speechmatics';

// create a session with JWT
const session = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_JWT);

//add listeners
session.addListener('RecognitionStarted', () => {

session.addListener('Error', (error) => {
  console.log('session error', error);

session.addListener('AddTranscript', (message) => {
  console.log('AddTranscript', message);

session.addListener('AddPartialTranscript', (message) => {
  console.log('AddPartialTranscript', message);

session.addListener('EndOfTranscript', () => {

//start session which is an async method
session.start().then(async () => {
  //setup audio stream
  let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });

  const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, {
    mimeType: 'audio/webm;codecs=opus',
    audioBitsPerSecond: 16000


  mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = (event) => {
    if ( > 0) {

Transcription Configuration Options

A TranscriptionConfig object specifies different configuration values that can be used for transcription. If a transcription config is not given, the SDK uses a default one with just the language field set to en.

A TranscriptionConfig object can be passed to the start method of RealtimeSession object.

const session = new RealtimeSession(YOUR_API_KEY);

const transcription_config = {
  language: 'en',
  additional_vocab: [
    { content: 'gnocchi', sounds_like: ['nyohki', 'nokey', 'nochi'] },
    { content: 'CEO', sounds_like: ['C.E.O'] }
  diarization: 'speaker_change',
  enable_partials: true,
  operating_point: 'enhanced'

session.start({ transcription_config });

More information about the available fields can be found in the documentation.


You can find more examples in the examples folder.

Node Example

To run the node sample code you'll need to add your API key to a .env file or directly inside the node example file. You can generate your API key in the Speechmatics Console.

node examples/example_rt_node.js


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