Spip's custom Dutch wordlists! It includes:
- Dutch wordlists! Massive lists scraped from Wikipedia, dictionaries, twitter, the bible, and then some
- A collection of best cracking rules and masks for hashcat
See this issue.
- 29 oct '23 parsed Dutch sayings from Reddit using the Reddit API, parsed comments with OpenAI, did some manual filtering and translations. OpenAI tried to do spell checking, so some might be mis-translated.
./zimdump dump --dir=wikidump ~/Downloads/wikipedia_nl_all_nopic_2020-07.zim
grep -Poa "((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[@<=>~{|}^_\
?@[\]*+,-./:;&'() !"#$%]).{8,})"`
From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23699919/regular-expression-for-password-complexity
- Create more/better markov chains for passphrases
- Make list of populair sentences (quotes, etc)