Releases: spirom/spark-mongodb-connector
Alpha release 0.5.3
Alpha release 0.5.2
This release introduces an assembly file (attached here) that can be made available to the Thrift server in order to provide JDBC support. It also prepends "spark." to all configuration properties so that the various Spark tools will pass them through.
Alpha release 0.5.1
This release fixes a problem with the dependency on Apache Spark, which is now marked as "provided", thus solving problems with submitting jobs to a Spark cluster. It is an alpha release with limited functionality -- definitely not suitable for production use.
Alpha release 0.5.0
This release provides integration with Spark 1.3.0. It is an alpha release with limited functionality -- definitely not suitable for production use.
Alpha release 0.4.1
This release provides much more efficient Spark SQL integration by using the projection and filter push-down mechanisms of Spark 1.2.0. It is an alpha release with limited functionality -- definitely not suitable for production use.
Alpha release 0.4.0
This release adds Spark SQL integration and support for Spark 1.2.0. It is an alpha release with limited functionality -- definitely not suitable for production use.
Alpha release 0.3.0
This is an alpha release with limited functionality -- definitely not suitable for production use.