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Become a sponsor to G.Ambatte



Dunedin, New Zealand

Who am I? G-Ambatte, aka Gambatte.

Where do I know that name from? I posted a thousand-odd Tales to the Tales From Tech Support subreddit. Now I mostly try to make TTRPGs better for everyone out there by working on the Homebrewery editor.

Who are you really? My name is Sean. I spent nine years in the Navy as a Technician and Fire Control Officer, learning to be useful at lots of different things. I've spent twice as long as a civilian, being paid to be useful at lots of different things. IT, Tech Support, Help Desk: I've done my time at all of them, and have the nightmares to prove it.

What are you working on? Mostly, the Homebrewery editor. Completed work that I'm particularly proud of so far includes:

  • Installation scripts for FreeBSD, Ubuntu, and Windows using Chocolatey
  • Editor movement functions: match preview to editor position, and match editor to preview position
  • Clone document to new editor page

I also created both the GMBinder to Homebrewery conversion script, and GameMaster 5 XML to Homebrewery Monster script, and have created several Marked.js extensions to create new functionality.

Why is sponsorship important? Unless the Sponsor specifically requests otherwise, any funds that I receive through sponsorship will be transferred to the Homebrewery project fund to help pay for server maintenance, database storage, and any other operating costs of the Homebrewery project.

Featured work

  1. naturalcrit/homebrewery

    Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown

    JavaScript 1,072
  2. G-Ambatte/GMBinder-Homebrewery-Converter

    A quick & dirty project to convert GMBinder source to Homebrewery source.

    JavaScript 7

Select a tier

$ one time

You'll receive any rewards listed in the $1 one-time tier. Additionally, a Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$1 one time


Any Amount

You appreciate Homebrewery and the work that I/we do. Unless specified otherwise, any money will be transferred to the Homebrewery operation/maintenance fund.

$10 one time


Please Make My Homebrew Document Pretty!

I will personally review the styling of your Homebrewery document (via the{shareID} link that you provide) and do my best to make it look even more amazing!
Content, however, will remain entirely your own, so you will remain responsible if your homebrew turns out to be broken and overpowered.

$100 one time


Please Teach Me How To Make My Homebrew Document Pretty!

I will personally review the styling of your Homebrewery document (via the{shareID} link that you provide) and do my best to make it look even more amazing! I will capture this process to video with narration and explanations, so that you can learn how to apply these techniques in the future.
Content, however, will remain entirely your own, so you will remain responsible if your homebrew turns out to be broken and overpowered.

$1,000 one time


Please Take The Blame!

I will personally take the blame for the homebrew that you created being too weak, too strong, too game-breaking, not game-breaking enough, uninteresting, too shiny, foul-smelling, the wrong color, or any other issues that may arise from or with it.
While I will feel bad about it, this does not, however, include entitlement to reparation or correction.