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SFG Post Submission Checklist

Michelle edited this page May 22, 2019 · 9 revisions

Item 1: Guidelines and FAQs

Ensure you have gone through the following guidelines and FAQs:

Item 2: Check Headings

Ensure headings are structured with HTML semantic heading tags. In a post, the title goes in h1 heading. So your post content is structured starting from h2. Ensure all headings are in title case.

Item 3: Check Inline Code

Ensure all inline code are properly formatted. Inline code language should be Java and the theme should be Git.

You can click the inline code and then select the Code Settings button. In the Code Settings dialog box, select Java from the Language drop-down list and Git from the Theme drop-down list. And then click OK. The generated code (that you can check by clicking Text (HTML)) should be.

<code class="EnlighterJSRAW" data-enlighter-language="java" data-enlighter-theme="git">Im inline Code</code>

Item 4: Check Block Code

Ensure all code blocks are properly formatted. Block code language should be Java and the theme should be Git.

You can click the code block, and click the edit icon in the code window. In the Code Settings dialog box, select Java from the Language drop-down list and Git from the Theme drop-down list. Ensure Show Linenumbers check box is selected. And then click OK.

The generated code (that you can check by clicking Text (HTML)) should be.

<pre class="EnlighterJSRAW" data-enlighter-language="java" data-enlighter-theme="git">Your Block Code</pre>

Item 5: Check for Acronyms

Acronyms should be spelled out at the first instance. Example: MVC (Model View Controller)

Item 6: Check for Lead-in Lines

Ensure all code snippets, images, lists, tables, and so on have a lead in line indicating the objective of the item.

  • The code of the controller class is this.
  • This figure shows the architecture of Spring MVC.
  • The components of MVC are:
  • This table explains the difference between Spring and Java EE.

Item 7: Check for Explanations

Check that code snippet are adequately explained. The explanation should come after the code snippet. For code snippets, feel free to refer to line numbers. The same holds true for images.

Item 8: Check Readability

Below the post is a Yoast SEO block. This will evaluate the readability of your post. Focus on any issues flagged. Pay attention to the Flesch Reading Ease. Blog readers want easy reads. Target a score of 60-70.

Bad Example This service class will be invoked when the Spring Boot application runs and the logic which is written using the @PostConstruct annotated method will be executed where it will load the data of Books into our HSQL database first which can be queried later by the front-end applications.

Good Example The @PostConstruct method is executed when the Spring Boot Application starts. Execution of the @PostConstruct method will load the book data into the HSQL database.

Item 9: Check for Links to Resources

Provide relevant Cross-links pointing to existing Spring Framework Guru Blogs or external content.
Ensure all links open in a new tab. To do so, click on the link, and then click the Edit button, and then Link options. In the dialog box that appears, ensure that the Open link in a new tab checkbox is selected.

Item 10: Check for Spelling, Grammar, and Phrasing Issues

Install "Grammarly for Chrome" to fix any typos, grammatical errors, phrasing errors.

Item 11: Add Snippet

In Yoast SEO, edit the snippet. This is the short preview about the post shown in search engines.

Item 12: Tags and Categories

Update Tags and Categories for the post with key terms.


Do a thorough readthrough.