released this
21 Nov 17:03
2063 commits
to main
since this release
- #273 - Remove IOExceptions from WebServiceTemplate [SWS-119].
- #266 - Allow SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver to use strategy to obtain SoapFaultDefinition [SWS-117].
- #271 - Move MarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter from sandbox to core [SWS-116].
- #270 - Client is not able to read long response [SWS-115].
- #269 - In tutorial sometimes humanresources is used, sometimes holidayService [SWS-114].
- #268 - Typo in reference documentation 'holiday request' should be 'holiday requests' [SWS-113].
- #267 - Half you virtual machine, should be 'half of the objects on the heap of your virtual machine' [SWS-112].
- #265 - Change section 2.3.1 to have a bit more text [SWS-111].
- #264 - Clarify when discussing RPC/encoded has been abandoned in favor of doc/lit [SWS-110].
- #263 - Typo in 'What is Spring Web Services?' [SWS-109].
- #261 - Support JAXB's MTOM/XOP/MIME support [SWS-107].
- #242 - Default message factory for WebServiceTemplate [SWS-106].
- #260 - GZip compression is not enabled [SWS-105].
- #258 - MessageDispatcherServlet does not transform WSDL locations [SWS-103].
- #257 - Namespace lost on generated WSDL [SWS-102].
- #256 - XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder parsing error [SWS-101].
- #255 - Cannot set com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter in XStreamMarshaller.setConverters(Converter[]) [SWS-100].
- #254 - Exception when creating XMLStreamReader from AxiomSoapMessage.getPayloadSource with Woodstox [SWS-99].
- #238 - Changing URL in CommonsHttpMessageSender [SWS-98].
- #237 - OXM Marshal encoding definition [SWS-97].
- #236 - set WhitespacePreserve flag in CastorMarshaller [SWS-95].
- #235 - new location for log4j.properties [SWS-93].
- #251 - Maven2 Archetype for Spring-WS [SWS-91].
- #250 - Documentation improvements [SWS-90].
- #249 - DefaultTimestampValidator uses wrong date format [SWS-89].
- #248 - Allow CastorMarshaller to accept more than one mapping file [SWS-88].
- #247 - AbstractSoapMessage.getPayloadSource returns null with Axis SAAJ [SWS-87].
- #246 - Stream closed before response read with WebServiceTemplate + Axis SAAJ Soap Messages [SWS-86].
- #245 - XPathPayloadEndpointMapping [SWS-85].
- #239 - Add faults into dynamically created WSDL. [SWS-79].