Abstraction over common javascript date management libraries.
The project expose abstraction interface over luxon, date-fns v2, dayjs and moment. Which can be easily used by any ui date or time components to use the same date management lib as user's project use.
That simplifies timezones management, makes your code return exactly the same type that user expect and work with specific calendar systems (e.g. Jalali calendar)
Library | Downloads |
@date-io/date-fns | |
@date-io/moment | |
@date-io/luxon | |
@date-io/dayjs | |
@date-io/jalaali | |
@date-io/hijri |
Projects, which are already built over date-io
import LuxonUtils from "@date-io/luxon";
import DateFnsUtils from "@date-io/date-fns";
const dateFns = new DateFnsUtils();
const luxon = new LuxonUtils({ locale: "fr" }); // pass french locale
const initialLuxonDate = luxon.date("2018-10-28T11:44:00.000Z");
const initialDateFnsDate = dateFns.date("2018-10-28T11:44:00.000Z");
const updatedLuxonDate = luxon.addDays(initialLuxonDate, 2);
const updatedDateFnsDate = dateFns.addDays(initialDateFnsDate, 2);
luxon.format(updatedLuxonDate, utils.dateTime24hFormat); // "octobre 30 11:44"
dateFns.format(updatedLuxonDate, utils.dateTime24hFormat); // "October 30th 11:44"
Implemented interface for now. If you can not find needed method please let us know and we will add it!
export interface IUtils<TDate> {
locale?: any;
moment?: any;
yearFormat: string;
yearMonthFormat: string;
dateTime12hFormat: string;
dateTime24hFormat: string;
time12hFormat: string;
time24hFormat: string;
dateFormat: string;
// constructor (options?: { locale?: any, moment?: any });
date(value?: any): TDate | null;
parse(value: string, format: string): TDate | null;
isNull(value: TDate | null): boolean;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
getDiff(value: TDate, comparing: TDate | string): number;
isEqual(value: any, comparing: any): boolean;
isSameDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfter(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfterDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isAfterYear(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBeforeDay(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBeforeYear(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
isBefore(value: TDate, comparing: TDate): boolean;
startOfMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
endOfMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
addDays(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
startOfDay(value: TDate): TDate;
endOfDay(value: TDate): TDate;
format(value: TDate, formatString: string): string;
formatNumber(numberToFormat: string): string;
getHours(value: TDate): number;
setHours(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getMinutes(value: TDate): number;
setMinutes(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getSeconds(value: TDate): number;
setSeconds(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getMonth(value: TDate): number;
setMonth(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
getNextMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
getPreviousMonth(value: TDate): TDate;
getMonthArray(value: TDate): TDate[];
getYear(value: TDate): number;
setYear(value: TDate, count: number): TDate;
mergeDateAndTime(date: TDate, time: TDate): TDate;
getWeekdays(): string[];
getWeekArray(date: TDate): TDate[][];
getYearRange(start: TDate, end: TDate): TDate[];
// displaying methods
getMeridiemText(ampm: "am" | "pm"): string;
getCalendarHeaderText(date: TDate): string;
getDatePickerHeaderText(date: TDate): string;
getDateTimePickerHeaderText(date: TDate): string;
getMonthText(date: TDate): string;
getDayText(date: TDate): string;
getHourText(date: TDate, ampm: boolean): string;
getMinuteText(date: TDate): string;
getSecondText(date: TDate): string;
getYearText(date: TDate): string;
The project itself written in typescript, so we are providing our own typescript definitions. But for the moment and date-fns users it is required to add esModuleInterop
and allowSyntheticDefaultImports
to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true