Name | Type | Description | Notes |
start_date | \DateTime | The start date of the period in question | |
end_date | \DateTime | The end date of the period in question | |
employee_count | int | The number of employees in question for this period. For a pay period it is the # ppl enrolled in that period, For annual savings, it is the total # of employees, and for total savings, its the # of employees enrolled | |
employee_deductions_dollars | float | Total Employee deductions for this period | |
employee_savings_dollars | float | Estimated Employee tax savings for this period | [default to 1380.53] |
employer_gross_savings_dollars | float | Estimated Employer tax savings for this period not including Alice fees | [default to 305.81] |
employer_fee_dollars | float | Alice Fee for this period | [default to 139.8] |
employer_net_savings_dollars | float | Estimated Employer tax savings for this period minus Alice fee | [default to 166.01] |