Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Payroll config ID | |
employer | \Swagger\Client\Model\EmployerMinimalEntity | ||
pay_period_type | string | The pay cycle | |
first_notional_payday | \DateTime | First notional payday | |
days_paid_in_arrears | int | Number of days paid in arrears | |
deadline_days_before_payday | int | Business days before payday to make the Alice deadline | |
periodic_payday | int | The day of the week for payday, only applies to pay_period_type: weekly, fortnightly | [optional] |
monthly_payday | string | The day of the month for payday, only applies to pay_period_type: monthly | [optional] |
twice_monthly_type | int | The days of the month for payday, only applies to pay_period_type: twice_per_month | [optional] |
twice_monthly_payday_1 | string | The first day of the month for payday, only applies to pay_period_type: twice_per_month, twice_monthly_type: other | [optional] |
twice_monthly_payday_2 | string | The second day of the month for payday, only applies to pay_period_type: twice_per_month, twice_monthly_type: other | [optional] |