WITHCulture is a service that provides access to digital cultural heritage items from different repositories and offers a number of added-value services for the creative reuse and intelligent exploitation of that content.
- Federated and faceted search.
- API mashup from different digital CH resources, such as Europeana, the Digital Public Library of America, Rijksmuseum, the British Library, National Library of Australia, YouTube, Historypin etc.
- Access to a huge set of heterogeneous items (images, videos, different metadata schemata etc).
- Support of different data models (e.g., EDM, LIDO etc) and formats (e.g. XML, JSON-LD).
- Full-text indexing of cultural records.
- Automatic and manual enrichment of cultural data.
- User and Collection management system.
Download sbt and run:
$ sbt "run 9060" -jvm-debug 9999
$ sbt -Dconfig.file=conf/local.conf "run 9060" -jvm-debug 9999