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This repo contains the firmware and bootloader for the SensorBoard Device v3.0


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  • arm-none-eabi-gdb, arm-none-eabi-gcc, arm-none-eabi-newlib,arm-none-eabi-binutils: ARM toolchain necessary to compile and debug the firmware
  • make: or similar
  • openocd: to flash the firmware on the target via a debug probe (STLINK)
  • bootcommander, libopenblt: to flash the firmware via can-bus


If all the software dependencies are available through $PATH


otherwise specify them via:

make GCC_PATH=/<path_to_compiler>

This will build the firmware to be flashed via openocd and a debug probe (STLINK)

Build Bootloader

All software dependencies must be available in $PATH

cd ./openblt_f446re
cd ..

This will build the Bootloader firmware to be flashed via openocd and a debug probe (STLINK)


Two approaches for flashing:

  • Baremetal no bootloader
  • Bootloader + flash via can

Baremetal no bootloader

Make sure the debug probe is attached to the target and they see each other. To verify this run this command from the project rootdir:

openocd -f openocd.cfg

It should look something like this:

TODO add openocd status

Make sure you have openocd dependency in $PATH.

make flash

otherwise specify the path via:

make flash OPENOCD_PATH=/<openocd_path>

Bootloader + flash via can [front|left]

First flash the bootloader on the device (all dependencies must be in $PATH, the debugger probe must be able to talk to the target see before)

cd ./openblt_f446re
make flash
cd ..

Then connect the sensorboard device on a CAN bus network where you can send and receive data.

# To flash the firmware to a sensorboard front device
make can_flash_front 
# To flash the firmware to a sensorboard rear device
make can_flash_rear 

If bootcommander dependency is not in $PATH specify it like this:

# To flash the firmware to a sensorboard front device
make can_flash_front BOOTCOMMANDER_PATH=/<path_to_bootcomamnder_dir>
# To flash the firmware to a sensorboard rear device
make can_flash_rear BOOTCOMMANDER_PATH=/<path_to_bootcomamnder_dir>