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squaresLab, at Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science, focuses on Software QUAlity in Real Evolving Systems.* We do research in automated techniques to reason about, assure, measure and then improve the quality of real, messy, ever-changing software.
Our public projects can be found at squaresLab GitHub
squaresLab@CMU is led by (Associate) Professor Claire Le Goues, and also includes:
- He Ye, Postdoctoral Scholar
- Aidan Yang
- Claudia Mamede
- Daniel Ramos
- Harrison Green
- Kush Jain
- Luke Dramko
- Nikitha Rao
- Trenton Tabor
- Tobias Dürschmid
- Paulo Santos (honorary member)
We have student and postdoc alums:
- Milda Zizyte
- Chris Timperley
- Jeremy Lacomis
- Leo Chen
- Sophia Kolak
- Yiwei Lyu
- Zhen Yu Ding
- Rijnard van Tonder
- Zack Coker
- Deby Katz
- Mauricio Soto
- Afsoon Afzal
- Cody Kinneer
Past visiting students and postdoctoral scholars include:
- Hoaye Tian, University of Luxembourg
- Alfredo Cruz Carlon, IT University of Copenhagen
- Xuan Bach Le Dinh, University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Tian Yuan, Queen's University (Canada)
- Le Bui Tien Duy, Singapore Management University
- Pavneet Singh Kochhar, Microsoft (Canada)
We have also worked with a number of wonderful undergraduates through the REUSE program. You should apply!
If you're not sure who to contact, squaresLab can be reached via email: clegoues@cs.cmu.edu
*We apologize, sort of, for the egregious backronym.