Travel app that obtains a desired trip location & date from the user and displays weather and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs
- Geonames API - returns latitude and longitude for location
- Weatherbit API - returns weather forecast for the latitude and longitude
- Pixabay API - To get photo for the location
We need API keys for all the APIs mentioned above.
Once we have the api keys, create .env
file in the root and add api keys there as shown below.
GEONAMES_KEY = {your key here}
WEATHERBIT_KEY = {your key here}
PIXABAY_KEY = {your key here}
enable web serivce for geonames at
request city is toronto
geonamesCompleteURL is
totalResultsCount: 997,
geonames: [
adminCode1: '08',
lng: '-79.4163',
geonameId: 6167865,
toponymName: 'Toronto',
countryId: '6251999',
fcl: 'P',
population: 2600000,
countryCode: 'CA',
name: 'Toronto',
fclName: 'city, village,...',
adminCodes1: [Object],
countryName: 'Canada',
fcodeName: 'seat of a first-order administrative division',
adminName1: 'Ontario',
lat: '43.70011',
fcode: 'PPLA'
npm install
DEV build:
npm run build-dev
PROD Build
npm run build-prod
Run locally
npm run start
This app is deployed on Heroku. You can access it here at Travel WeatherApp