Follow the instruction to get the application up and running.
Ruby & Rails version
$: ruby-2.6.8 $: Rails
System dependencies
$: bundle install
- Make changes to application.yaml.sample and then run the following
$: make config-copy
Database creation & Schema migration
$: make docker.create_test_db $: make docker.create_dev_db $: make docker.migrate_db
How to run the test suite
$: RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec
Generate OpenAPI Spec
$: RAILS_ENV=test OPENAPI=1 bundle exec rspec
Generated OpenAPI Spec can be accessed from
Build image
- Dockerfile is located at the root level
$: docker build -t blogger:latest . --platform linux/amd64
Push to container registry
$: docker tag blogger:latest<project-id>/blogger:latest $: docker push<project-id>/blogger:latest
Deployment instructions
- All k8s yaml spec can be found under kubernetes folder.
$: kubectl apply -f kubernetes/blogger_credentials.yaml $: kubectl apply -f kubernetes/blogger_migration_job.yaml $: kubectl apply -f kubernetes/blogger_deployment.yaml $: kubectl apply -f kubernetes/blogger_service.yaml