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I have used Tech Stack of ReactJS, Bootstrap for frontend and MongoDB, Nodejs, Expressjs for Backend for making this website
This website generally consists of 2 types of users:
- Normal User (Users can signup and login)
- Admin
Admin credentials for login:
- Email:
- Password: qwerty12
User credentials for login:
- Email:
- Password: 12345678
I have implemented the Pagination technique to reduce the complexity in a single page. Also there is a search functionality (users can search with any attribute of a book like name, author, genre).
For Admin, I have given the following features
Addition of Books
- Admins can add a single book at a time, or can add multiple book by uploading a csv file. [ I have used multer to tackle it ]
Editing the details of Books, once added
Deleting the book, if it is out of stock
Issual of Books (Books issue by users)
Return of Books (Books return by users)
The algorithms written, make sure that the book issue and return take place successfully, with error handling.
For the Login and Signup purpose. I have implemented the JWT system in the backend. Also, I am going to implement Google OAuth for simple Authentication purposes.