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Hello Everyone !
Welcome to my "UnderGrad Capstone Project" repository. Here I have mentioned some key information about my Capstone Project, carried out during my bachelor years. Before we dive in, let us go through some basics 🔽

What is a Capstone Project ?🤔

The capstone project has become an essential component of the university degree curriculum. It can appear in various formats, but its objective remains consistent. The capstone project offers a unique chance to conduct independent group research to develop an innovative solution for a real-world issue. Although undertaking a project of this magnitude can be demanding, it is also highly rewarding. Typically the final assignment, the capstone project is crucial in readying students for the professional world due to its practical applications and its role in enhancing students’ professional knowledge and skills.

Alright, but what actually it has to do with an undergraduate student ? An undergraduate student needs to do a capstone project for several compelling reasons, each contributing significantly to their academic and professional development🔻

  1. Practical Application of Knowledge 🛠️ : The capstone project allows students to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained throughout their coursework to a practical, real-world problem. This bridges the gap between academic learning and practical implementation, reinforcing their understanding and showing them how their education translates into real-world scenarios.

  2. Development of Research Skills 🔬 : Engaging in a capstone project requires students to conduct extensive research. This process helps them develop critical research skills such as literature review, data collection and analysis, and synthesis of information from various sources. These skills are invaluable for any future academic pursuits or professional roles that require analytical thinking and problem-solving.

  3. Enhancement of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities 🤯 : The nature of capstone projects demands that students think critically and creatively. They must identify problems, explore various solutions, and choose the most effective approach. This hones their ability to think logically and innovatively, which is crucial in any professional field.

  4. Teamwork and Collaboration 💥 : Many capstone projects are designed to be completed in groups, teaching students the importance of teamwork and collaboration. They learn how to work effectively with others, manage different perspectives, and combine their strengths to achieve a common goal. These are essential skills in any workplace, where teamwork is often necessary for success.

  5. Project Management Skills 📃 : Completing a capstone project involves planning, organizing, and managing resources within a specified timeline. Students gain experience in project management, learning how to set objectives, allocate tasks, manage time, and meet deadlines. These skills are directly transferable to any career path.

  6. Professionalism and Work Ethics 👔 : Capstone projects often simulate a professional work environment, requiring students to demonstrate professionalism, accountability, and a strong work ethic. They learn how to communicate effectively, present their findings, and respond to feedback, preparing them for the expectations of the workplace.

  7. Portfolio Development 👨‍🏫 : The final product of a capstone project serves as a tangible piece of work that students can showcase to potential employers or graduate schools. It demonstrates their ability to complete a significant project from start to finish, highlighting their skills, knowledge, and dedication.

  8. Personal Growth and Confidence 📈 : Successfully completing a capstone project can significantly boost a student's confidence. The process of overcoming challenges and achieving a substantial goal can be incredibly rewarding, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance that carries over into their professional and personal lives.

  9. Networking Opportunities 🛜 : Capstone projects often involve collaboration with industry professionals, community organizations, or faculty members. These interactions provide valuable networking opportunities, allowing students to build connections that can help them in their future careers.

  10. Preparation for Graduate Studies 👨‍🎓 : For students considering further education (such as me), a capstone project is excellent preparation for the rigors of graduate studies. It familiarizes them with the demands of independent research, comprehensive projects, and advanced academic writing, giving them a strong foundation for success in graduate programs.

Now that you have gained enough knowledge about Capstone Project and its significance in your academic as well as in your professional life / career growth, it's time to start understanding the real project 🔽

Project Title : Electricity Demand Forecasting and Analysis using Time-Series Algorithms

India's rapid industrial growth has led to a surge in electricity demand, driven not only by industry but also by other factors. The country's power needs are rising faster than expected, making it one of the top consumers of electricity globally. However, power plants have limited production capacities and cannot quickly increase output or build new facilities to meet these demands. The fluctuating daily energy needs make it difficult for power plants to supply consistent electricity to state governments. Power plants report their production every 15 minutes, allowing the government to request the next day's power. Despite this data, there's no predictive analysis, relying instead on officials' experience, which can be unreliable during sudden demand spikes, risking equipment breakdowns and reduced efficiency.

This project aims to create industrially useful results by utilizing a government-regulated dataset on daily energy production and consumption. After filtering and transforming the data, models like Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Short Term Memory (STM - Recurent Neural Network (RNN)) are trained and tested, with predictions de-transformed using inverse functions. Error rates and model fit are assessed before exporting trained models for final output generation. For Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), the focus shifts to ensuring stationarity and addressing seasonality before creating and evaluating AR, MA, and ARIMA models. The study aims to optimize power plant efficiency, reduce costs, and mitigate equipment failures amidst rising coal prices and imports.

The existing system faces several challenges outlined in recent studies. These include limitations in environmental conditions considered, hindering data acquisition for scenarios like climate change. Proposed hybrid methods for energy forecasting encounter complexity issues without comprehensive datasets on various influencing factors. Moreover, the focus on non-renewable energy and lack of integration with sustainable sources further complicate accurate predictions. Issues with computational efficiency arise as methods become more intricate, yet there's uncertainty whether integrating diverse predictive strategies improves accuracy without escalating costs. Industry preferences for daily over monthly predictions add to the complexity, alongside variability in dataset accuracy and the common shortcomings of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Additionally, limitations in real-time data analysis and the constraints of platforms like Azure Machine Learning underscore ongoing challenges in developing robust predictive models for energy consumption and production.

The methodology proposed involves using data from NRPC and NRLDC websites to analyze power consumption and production. Google Colab is chosen for implementation due to its resources. Data preprocessing includes anomaly checks and scaling using MinMaxScaler. LSTM and RNN models are trained on the data, split into training and testing sets, evaluated using RMSE and R-Sqaured Score, and visualized for deviation. ARIMA model is prepared by converting non-stationary data to stationary using transformations and statistical tests. Models are compared to forecast power generation and determine the best algorithm for industrial decision-making.

While trying to understand the project, you will come across few terms like "Time-Series Data", "Time-Series Forecasting", "Time-Series Analysis", etc. The given link will help you out to understand clearly what these terms are. The project documentation also holds the "maths and theoretical explanations" behind the chosen time-series algorithms. I recommend you to go through them once to grasp the theory behind.

The project aimed to enhance energy utility efficiency by predicting electricity generation for future time-slabs using time-series analysis. It focused on data from government-regulated websites, utilizing RNN, LSTM, and ARIMA algorithms. ARIMA, despite its requirement for stationary data, showed lower RMSE compared to RNN and LSTM. However, visualization comparisons highlighted ARIMA's higher error rate. LSTM was favored due to addressing vanishing gradient issues. The project's outcomes emphasize choosing appropriate algorithms for specific datasets to optimize electricity generation efficiency and reduce costs associated with equipment failures and errors. Future plans include API implementation for real-time predictions.