Over the past decade, bicycle-sharing systems have been growing in number and popularity in cities across the world. Bicycle-sharing systems allow users to rent bicycles for short trips, typically 30 minutes or less. With the latest technologies, it is easy for a user of the system to access a dock within the system to unlock or return bicycles. These technologies also provide a wealth of data that can be used to explore how these bike-sharing systems are used. The data consists of BikeShare information for three large cities in the US - New York City, Chicago, and Washington, DC.
You can get the data for each of the cities from the links provided in Bike_Share_Analysis.ipynb or else you can use the below link from kaggle to get the data.
The files have to be downloaded from the above kaggle link and the file format should be of csv format
To analyze the data using python I have used jupyter_notebook. For the data analysis I have used pandas, numpy, for visualization I have used matplotlib.
Source files should be copied to the working directory. The Bike_Share_Analysis.ipynb should be executed from the top to bottom.
Python3, and created in Jupyter_notebook
Sridhar Varanasi