diff --git a/code/modules/religion/festival/instrument_rites.dm b/code/modules/religion/festival/instrument_rites.dm index 3bcf3224d37d9..546c160ab436c 100644 --- a/code/modules/religion/festival/instrument_rites.dm +++ b/code/modules/religion/festival/instrument_rites.dm @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ name = "Cogitandi Fidis" desc = "Creates a holy violin that can analyze songs played from it." ritual_length = 6 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("A servant of jubilee is needed ...") - invoke_msg = "... A great mind for musical matters!" + ritual_invocations = list("Нужен слуга торжества ...") + invoke_msg = "... Великий разум для музыкальных дел!" favor_cost = 20 //you only need one /datum/religion_rites/holy_violin/invoke_effect(mob/living/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ name = "Portable Song Tuning" desc = "Empowers an instrument on the table to work as a portable altar for tuning songs. Will need to be recharged after 5 rites." ritual_length = 6 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("Allow me to bring your holy inspirations ...") - invoke_msg = "... And send them with the winds my tunes ride with!" + ritual_invocations = list("Позвольте мне даровать вам святые вдохновения ...") + invoke_msg = "... И пусть их несут ветра, что играют в унисон с моей мелодией!" favor_cost = 10 ///instrument to empower var/obj/item/instrument/instrument_target diff --git a/code/modules/religion/honorbound/honorbound_rites.dm b/code/modules/religion/honorbound/honorbound_rites.dm index 88eef0340ea64..11115f35b285a 100644 --- a/code/modules/religion/honorbound/honorbound_rites.dm +++ b/code/modules/religion/honorbound/honorbound_rites.dm @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ They will become honorbound like you, and you will gain a massive favor boost!" ritual_length = 30 SECONDS ritual_invocations = list( - "A good, honorable crusade against evil is required.", - "We need the righteous ...", - "... the unflinching ...", - "... and the just.", - "Sinners must be silenced ...", + "Взываю к благородному крестовому походу против зла.", + "Нам нужны праведные ...", + "... непоколебимые ...", + "... и справедливые.", + "Грешники должны замолчать ...", ) - invoke_msg = "... And the code must be upheld!" + invoke_msg = "... И кодекс будет соблюдён!" ///the invited crusader var/mob/living/carbon/human/new_crusader @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ /datum/religion_rites/forgive name = "Forgive" desc = "Forgives someone, making them no longer considered guilty. A kind gesture, all things considered!" - invoke_msg = "You are absolved of sin." + invoke_msg = "Я отпускаю твои грехи." var/mob/living/who /datum/religion_rites/forgive/perform_rite(mob/living/carbon/human/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ /datum/religion_rites/summon_rules name = "Summon Honorbound Rules" desc = "Enscribes a paper with the honorbound rules and regulations." - invoke_msg = "Bring forth the holy writ!" + invoke_msg = "Взываю к святому писанию!" ///paper to turn into holy writ var/obj/item/paper/writ_target diff --git a/code/modules/religion/pyre/pyre_rites.dm b/code/modules/religion/pyre/pyre_rites.dm index 75aaf1c6286cd..e4ca2ed0ba939 100644 --- a/code/modules/religion/pyre/pyre_rites.dm +++ b/code/modules/religion/pyre/pyre_rites.dm @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ name = "Unmelting Protection" desc = "Grants fire immunity to any piece of clothing." ritual_length = 12 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("And so to support the holder of the Ever-Burning candle ...", - "... allow this unworthy apparel to serve you ...", - "... make it strong enough to burn a thousand times and more ...") - invoke_msg = "... Come forth in your new form, and join the unmelting wax of the one true flame!" + ritual_invocations = list("Дабы поддержать держателя Вечно-Горящей свечи ...", + "... позволь этому непригодному одеянию служить тебе ...", + "... сделай его достаточно крепким, чтобы гореть тысячу раз и больше ...") + invoke_msg = "... Выйди на свет в своей новой форме и присоединись к нерастворимому воску едино-истинного пламени!" favor_cost = 1000 ///the piece of clothing that will be fireproofed, only one per rite var/obj/item/clothing/chosen_clothing @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ name = "Burning Offering" desc = "Sacrifice a buckled burning or husked corpse for favor, the more burn damage the corpse has the more favor you will receive." ritual_length = 15 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("Burning body ...", - "... cleansed by the flame ...", - "... we were all created from fire ...", - "... and to it ...") - invoke_msg = "... WE RETURN! " + ritual_invocations = list("Горящее тело ...", + "... очищенное пламенем ...", + "... все мы сделаны из огня ...", + "... и к нему мы ...") + invoke_msg = "... ВОЗВРАЩАЕМСЯ! " ///the burning corpse chosen for the sacrifice of the rite var/mob/living/carbon/chosen_sacrifice @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ name = "Immortal Candles" desc = "Creates 5 candles that never run out of wax." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "Burn bright, little candles, for you will only extinguish along with the universe." + invoke_msg = "Горите ярко, маленькие свечки, ибо вы погаснете вместе со Вселенной." favor_cost = 200 /datum/religion_rites/infinite_candle/invoke_effect(mob/living/user, atom/movable/religious_tool) @@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ desc = "Enchants a holy arrow to set someone on fire on hit, or if the victim is already on fire... note, this consumes the arrow." ritual_length = 15 SECONDS ritual_invocations = list( - "And so to keep the Ever-Burning candle protected ...", - "... grant this feeble bolt your blessing ...", - "... make it burn bright ...", + "Чтобы защитить Вечно-Горящую свечу ...", + "... даруй этому слабому болту своё благословение ...", + "... пусть горит он ярко ...", ) - invoke_msg = "... a blazing star is born!" + invoke_msg = "... зажгись, пылающая звезда!" favor_cost = 2000 ///arrow to enchant var/obj/item/ammo_casing/arrow/holy/enchant_target diff --git a/code/modules/religion/rites.dm b/code/modules/religion/rites.dm index b54c4e09b2951..2ab232addd87f 100644 --- a/code/modules/religion/rites.dm +++ b/code/modules/religion/rites.dm @@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ name = "Synthetic Conversion" desc = "Convert a human-esque individual into a (superior) Android. Buckle a human to convert them, otherwise it will convert you." ritual_length = 30 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("By the inner workings of our god ...", - "... We call upon you, in the face of adversity ...", - "... to complete us, removing that which is undesirable ...") - invoke_msg = "... Arise, our champion! Become that which your soul craves, live in the world as your true form!!" + ritual_invocations = list("Внутренними механизмами нашего бога ...", + "... Мы взываем к тебе, пред лицом невзгод ...", + "... заверши нас, удалив то, что нежеланно ...") + invoke_msg = "... Восстань, наш чемпион! Стань тем, чего жаждет твоя душа, обрети жизнь в этом мире в своём истинном облике!!!" favor_cost = 1000 /datum/religion_rites/synthconversion/perform_rite(mob/living/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ name = "Receive Blessing" desc = "Receive a blessing from the machine god to further your ascension." ritual_length = 5 SECONDS - ritual_invocations =list( "Let your will power our forges.", - "...Help us in our great conquest!") - invoke_msg = "The end of flesh is near!" + ritual_invocations =list( "Пусть твоя воля питает наши кузницы.", + "... Окажи нам помощь в нашем великом завоевании!") + invoke_msg = "Конец плоти близок!" favor_cost = 2000 /datum/religion_rites/machine_blessing/invoke_effect(mob/living/user, atom/movable/religious_tool) @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ ///all greed rites cost money instead /datum/religion_rites/greed ritual_length = 5 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "Sorry I was late, I was just making a shitload of money." + invoke_msg = "Извините, что опоздал, я просто зарабатывал хуеву тучу денег." var/money_cost = 0 /datum/religion_rites/greed/can_afford(mob/living/user) @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ /datum/religion_rites/greed/vendatray name = "Purchase Vend-a-tray" desc = "Summons a Vend-a-tray. You can use it to sell items!" - invoke_msg = "I need a vend-a-tray to make some more money!" + invoke_msg = "Мне нужен венд-лоток, чтобы заработать еще немного денег!" money_cost = 300 /datum/religion_rites/greed/vendatray/invoke_effect(mob/living/user, atom/movable/religious_tool) @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ /datum/religion_rites/greed/custom_vending name = "Purchase Personal Vending Machine" desc = "Summons a custom vending machine. You can use it to sell MANY items!" - invoke_msg = "If I get a custom vending machine for my products, I can be RICH!" + invoke_msg = "Если я куплю торговый автомат для своих товаров, то я смогу стать БОГАТЫМ!" money_cost = 1000 //quite a step up from vendatray /datum/religion_rites/greed/custom_vending/invoke_effect(mob/living/user, atom/movable/religious_tool) @@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ name = "Maintenance Adaptation" desc = "Begin your metamorphasis into a being more fit for Maintenance." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("I abandon the world ...", - "... to become one with the deep.", - "My form will become twisted ...") - invoke_msg = "... but my smile I will keep!" + ritual_invocations = list("Я оставляю этот мир ...", + "... дабы стать единым целым с глубиной.", + "Моя форма будет искажена ...") + invoke_msg = "... но свою улыбку сберегу!" favor_cost = 150 //150u of organic slurry /datum/religion_rites/maint_adaptation/perform_rite(mob/living/carbon/human/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ name = "Adapted Eyes" desc = "Only available after maintenance adaptation. Your eyes will adapt as well, becoming useless in the light." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "I no longer want to see the light." + invoke_msg = "Я больше не хочу видеть свет." favor_cost = 300 //300u of organic slurry, i'd consider this a reward of the sect /datum/religion_rites/adapted_eyes/perform_rite(mob/living/carbon/human/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ name = "Moldify" desc = "Once adapted to the Maintenance, you will not be able to eat regular food. This should help." ritual_length = 5 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "Moldify!" + invoke_msg = "Заплесневей!" favor_cost = 5 //5u of organic slurry ///the food that will be molded, only one per rite var/obj/item/food/mold_target @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ name = "Create Ritual Totem" desc = "Creates a Ritual Totem, a portable tool for performing rites on the go. Requires wood. Can only be picked up by the holy." favor_cost = 100 - invoke_msg = "Padala!!" + invoke_msg = "Падала!!!" ///the food that will be molded, only one per rite var/obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/wood/converted @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ /datum/religion_rites/sparring_contract name = "Summon Sparring Contract" desc = "Turns some paper into a sparring contract." - invoke_msg = "I will train in the name of my god." + invoke_msg = "Я буду тренироваться во имя моего бога." ///paper to turn into a sparring contract var/obj/item/paper/contract_target @@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ name = "Declare Arena" desc = "Declare a new area as fit for sparring. You'll be able to select it in contracts." ritual_length = 6 SECONDS - ritual_invocations = list("I seek new horizons ...") - invoke_msg = "... may my climb be steep." + ritual_invocations = list("Я стремлюсь к новым горизонтам ...") + invoke_msg = "... и пусть мой подъем будет крут." favor_cost = 1 //only costs one holy battle for a new area var/area/area_instance @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ name = "Forge Ceremonial Gear" desc = "Turn some material into ceremonial gear. Ceremonial blades are weak outside of sparring, and are quite heavy to lug around." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "Weapons in your name! Battles with your blood!" + invoke_msg = "Оружие во имя твоё! Бои с кровью твоей!" favor_cost = 0 ///the material that will be attempted to be forged into a weapon var/obj/item/stack/sheet/converted @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ name = "Become Unbreakable" desc = "Your training has made you unbreakable. In times of crisis, you will attempt to keep fighting on." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "My will must be unbreakable. Grant me this boon!" + invoke_msg = "Моя воля должна быть непоколебимой. Даруй мне это благословение!" favor_cost = 4 //4 duels won /datum/religion_rites/unbreakable/perform_rite(mob/living/carbon/human/user, atom/religious_tool) @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ name = "Become Tenacious" desc = "Your training has made you tenacious. In times of crisis, you will be able to crawl faster." ritual_length = 10 SECONDS - invoke_msg = "Grant me your tenacity! I have proven myself!" + invoke_msg = "Даруй мне своё упорство! Я доказал свою надежность!" favor_cost = 3 //3 duels won /datum/religion_rites/tenacious/perform_rite(mob/living/carbon/human/user, atom/religious_tool)