This is a work-in-progress prototype frontend for the MONDEY website
- Home
- Downloads
- Aktuelles
- Kontakt
+ const dropdownData = [
+ {
+ name: 'standing up',
+ items: defaultOptions,
+ tooltip:
+ 'How well can the child stand up from sitting or crawling around and how readily is it able to do so'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'making a mess',
+ items: defaultOptions,
+ tooltip:
+ 'This describes how efficiently the child can distribute toys in every single corner of every single room in the house'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'gripping a pen the right way',
+ items: defaultOptions,
+ tooltip: 'How well can the child hold a pen or pencil and how coordinated can it use it'
+ }
+ ];
+ const heading = 'some dummy dropdown page';