This repository contains all the books and resources like system design which will help you become an adapt Software Engineer
- System Design (#system)
- Algorithms & Data Strutures
- Web Technologies
- Cloud & Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Interview
- Extra
Collection of all the important links spread across the internet on how to design a scalable high-level and low-level design README
Data Structure Data Structures Using using C by Reema Thareja
Algorithm Analysis Introduction To Algorithms by Thomas Cormen
Database Management Fundamentals of Database Systems
Object Oriented Progrmming Methodology (JAVA) Java: The Complete Reference
Advanced Internet Technology The Art of SEO Mastering by Eric Enge
Distributed Systems Distributed Operating System by PK Sinha
System and Web Security Cryptography & Web Security by W. Stalling
Software Engineering Software Engineering by Pressman
- Big Data Analytics
Structured Programming Approach
Cloud Computing Black Book
Wireless Technology
Storage Networks
Intelligent System Artificial Intelligence by Russel and Norvig
UE (Usability Engineering)
- Data Mining and Business Intelligence Data Mining Concepts and Techniques
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems/ Soft Computing
- Computer Simulation and modeling
- Python Quick Q/A
- Data structure coding practice on
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