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Arduino OSC library for GrandMA3 consoles v4

An object orientated library for Arduino to control GrandMA3 consoles with OSC over Ethernet UDP/TCP. The goal of the library is to have a smart toolbox to create your own hardware which covers your needing by endless combinations of hardware elements.

Changes for v4

  • support for DataPools
  • virtual inputs for touch screens and external I/O devices
  • Pools and Pages classes instead of button class
  • minor improvements for pages and pools functions
  • new Parser class which support also TCP receive
  • simplified network configuration, you can use TCP or UDP
  • no more support for extern OSC buttons, this should done with console macros

Changes for v3

  • global / local page() numbering
  • command() function for sending raw commands
  • fetch(), value() and jitter() functions for fader handling
  • buttons with callback for e.g. paging

Changes for v2

  • TCP support
  • UDP parser for echo replays to get useful informations, e.g. fader value ...
  • independent from the CNNMAT OSC library
  • change of naming conventions
  • change license to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


You can install directly with the library manager of the Arduino IDE. Simply search for "gma3"


You can use any Arduino compatible board which gives you the possibility of an ethernet connection. Some boards like Teensy or STM32 Nucleo-F767ZI have an Ethernet port build in, others need an external ethernet port based e.g. on WIZnet W5500 boards like USR-ES1 or Arduino EthernetShield 2. WLAN boards like ESP32 should work but are not tested and there is no guarantee for a stable connection. There are also some Arduino based SPS controllers on the market which are ideal for rough environment using 24V.

Ethernet Usage

The in the Arduino board example used Ethernet library only supports the Wiznet 5500 chip, used on Ethernet Shield 2 or the popular USR-ES1 module which you can buy for a small pice at

Following libraries must downloaded for use with Ethernet
!!! Beware, the Ethernet libraries have different init procedures !!!

WIZNet w5500 boards like Ethernet Shield 2

Teensy 4.1 with build-in Ethernet

optional for Teensy MAC address

based on FNET

or LWIP based

STM32duino (

Following Nucleo boards are supported with Ethernet: F207ZG / F429ZI / F746ZG / F756ZG / F767ZI


The library support hardware elements like encoders, faders, buttons with some helper functions. The library allows you to use hardware elements as an object and with the use of the helper functions, code becomes much easier to write and read and to understand.

  • Buttons You can use every momentary push button on the market, e.g. MX Keys which are also used by MA Lighting, the keys are available with different push characters and have therefore different color markers. One pin must connect to a Digital Pin Dn the other to ground.
    ! A 100nF capacitor is recommended between the button pins !

  • Faders Recommended are linear faders with 10k Ohm from Bourns or ALPS which are available in different lengths and qualities.
    Beware that ARM boards like STM32-Nucleo use 3.3V, classic AVR boards like Arduino UNO use 5V. The leveler must connect to the Analog Pin An. The other pins must connect to ground and 3.3V or 5V.
    ! A 10nF capacitor is recommended between leveler and ground !

  • Rotary Encoders You can use encoders from ALPS or equivalent. The middle pin of the encoders must connect to ground, the both other pins A/B must connect to Digital Pins Dn.
    ! Two 100nF capacitors are recommended between the button pin A/B and ground !

Additional Advices for Analog Pins

The most problems comes from bad grounding and cables that are to long, on PCB's the shielding design is very important.

  • Arduino UNO, MEGA with WIZnet5500 Use AREF Pin instead +5V to the top (single pin) of the fader (100%). Use GND next to AREF and connect to the center button pin (2 pins, the outer pin is normally for the leveler) of the fader (0%)

  • STM32-Nucleo use IOREF Pin instead +3.3V to the top (single pin) of the fader (100%). GND to the center button pin (2 pins, the outer pin is normally for the leveler) of the fader (0%).

  • TEENSY 3.x with WIZnet5500 +3.3V to the top (single pin) of the fader (100%) use ANALOG GND instead the normal GND to the center button pin (2 pins, the outer pin is normally for the leveler) of the fader (0%).

Development for testing using a breadboard Test configuration with Teensy41


You can find general information about OSC on Please refer to the GrandMA3 manual for more information about using OSC on GrandMA3.

Here an example OSC setup in the GrandMA3 software GrandMA3 OSC Setup

If you have wishes for other functions or classes enter the discussion forum. If you find bugs make an issue, nobody is perfect.

Ethernet configuration and initialization

The Ethernet functionality is now independent from the hardware port (e.g. WIFI or other Ethernet hardware than WizNet W5500) and libraries. Behind the scenes it uses the virtual Arduino UDP class.

Before using Ethernet there a some things that must be done. It can be different between the diverse libraries.

  1. Include the necessary #defines e.g.
  • Arduino or Teensy 3.x with WIZnet5500
#include "Ethernet3.h"
#include "EthernetUdp3.h"
  • or for the original Arduino Ethernet library
#include "Ethernet.h"
  • STM32-Nucleo (e.g. Nucleo-F767ZI)
#include <LwIP.h>
#include <STM32Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>
  • Teensy 4.1 with FNET network stack
#include <TeensyID.h>
#include <NativeEthernet.h>
#include <NativeEthernetUdp.h>
  • Teensy 4.1 with QNEthernet network stack
#include <TeensyID.h>
#include <QNEthernet.h>
  1. You need to define IP addresses, ports and sockets
  • mac - You need a unique MAC address, for Teensy 3.x / 4.1 you can use the TeensyID library on this GitHub site, for STM32-Nucleo there is a build in MAC address
  • localIP - You need a static IP address for your Arduino in the subnet range of network system
  • dns - DNS address is optional necessary
  • gateway - A gateway range is optional necessary
  • subnet - A subnet range is optional necessary
  • localPort - This is the destination port of your Arduino
  • gma3IP - This is the GrandMA3 console IP address
  • gma3Port - This is the destination port of the GrandMA3 console

Example must done before setup()

// Network config
#define GMA3_UDP_PORT 8000 // UDP Port configured in gma3
#define GMA3_TCP_PORT 9000 // UDP Port configured in gma3

uint8_t mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x14, 0x48};
IPAddress ip(10, 101, 1, 201); // IP address of the microcontroller board
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 0, 0); // subnet range
IPAddress dns(10, 101, 1, 100); // DNS address of your device
IPAddress gateway(10, 101, 1, 100); // Gateway address of your device
uint16_t localUdpPort = GMA3_UDP_PORT;
IPAddress gma3IP(10, 101, 1, 100); // IP address of the gma3 console
uint16_t gma3UdpPort = GMA3_UDP_PORT;
uint16_t gma3TcpPort = GMA3_TCP_PORT;
  1. You need an UDP orTCP socket, must done before setup().
EthernetUDP udp; // for UDP connection
EthernetClient tcp; // for TCP connection
  1. In the beginning of setup() you must start network services.
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway, subnet); // for Arduino ETH library
interface(udp, gma3IP, gma3UdpPort); // for UDP
// interface(tcp, TCP, gma3IP, gma3TcpPort); // for TCP


A simple example for use with an Arduino UNO with EthernetShield 2

#include <Ethernet.h>
#include "gma3.h"

// I/O config
#define BTN_KEY_1 2
#define BTN_KEY_2 3
#define BTN_KEY_3 4
#define BTN_KEY_4 5
#define ENC_1_A   6
#define ENC_1_B   7
#define ENC_2_A   8
#define ENC_2_B   9
#define BTN_CMD   10
#define FADER     A0

// Network config
#define GMA3_UDP_PORT 8000 // UDP Port configured in gma3
#define GMA3_TCP_PORT 9000 // UDP Port configured in gma3

uint8_t mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x10, 0x14, 0x48};
IPAddress localIp(10, 101, 1, 201); // IP address of the microcontroller board
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 0, 0); // optional subnet range
IPAddress dns(10, 101, 1, 100); // optional DNS address of your device
IPAddress gateway(10, 101, 1, 100); // optional Gateway address of your device
uint16_t localUdpPort = GMA3_UDP_PORT;
IPAddress gma3IP(10, 101, 1, 100); // IP address of the gma3 console
uint16_t gma3UdpPort = GMA3_UDP_PORT;
uint16_t gma3TcpPort = GMA3_TCP_PORT;

// EthernetUDP udp; // for UDP
EthernetClient tcp; // for TCP

// hardware definitions
Key key101(BTN_KEY_1, 101);
Fader fader201(FADER, 201);
Key key201(BTN_KEY_2, 201);
Key key301(BTN_KEY_3, 301);
ExecutorKnob enc301(ENC_1_A, ENC_1_B, 301);
Key key401(BTN_KEY_4, 401);
ExecutorKnob enc401(ENC_2_A, ENC_2_B, 301);
CmdButton macro1(BTN_CMD, "GO+ Macro 1");

void setup() {
	Ethernet.begin(mac, localIp);
	//interface(udp, gma3IP, gma3UdpPort); // for UDP
	interface(tcp, TCP, gma3IP, gma3TcpPort); // for TCP

void loop() {

Examples folders

There are some basic examples for different board types using the Arduino IDE.

RAM usage adjustment

Because using strictly stack allocation of OSC strings, you need to adjust the allocation size in the gma3.h file.

// OSC settings
#define OSC_PATTERN_SIZE 64 // length depends on naming conventions
#define OSC_STRING_SIZE  64 // length depends on maximum command length
#define OSC_STRING_SIZE  64 // max. size of string arguments

Transport modes

  • UDPOSC standard mode using UDP protocol
  • TCP pure TCP without extra encoding like SLIP or length declaimer

GrandMA3 naming conventions

The naming must the same as in the GrandMA3 software

// GMA3 default naming conventions
char namePrefix[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "gma3";
char namePool[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "DataPool"; // Page name
char namePage[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "Page"; // Page name
char nameFader[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "Fader"; // Fader name
char nameExecutorKnob[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "Encoder"; // ExecutorKnob name
char nameKey[NAME_LENGTH_MAX] = "Key"; // Key name

The names can changed by following functions, this should done in setup()

void prefixName(const char *prefix);
void dataPoolName(const char *pool);
void pageName(const char *page);
void faderName(const char *fader);
void executorKnobName(const char *executorKnob);
void keyName(const char *key);



Setup functions


The Interfaces are needed for initialize the connection to the GrandMA3 console and external receivers. Following settings must done in setup():

  • IP address of the GrandMA3 console
  • name of the UDP class member
  • name of the TCP class member
  • IP Address of the GrandMA3 console
  • OSC Port, set in the GrandMA3 console, standard port for
    • UDP is 8000
    • TCP is 9000


void interface(UDP &udp, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port = 8000);
  • UDP &udp - UDP socket
  • IPAddress ip - IP address of the console
  • uint16_t port = 8000 - UDP port of the GrandMA3 software, default UDP port is 8000
void interface(Client &tcp, protocol_t protocol, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port = 9000);
  • Client &tcp - TCP socket
  • protocol_t protocol - Protocol Type, only TCP without special encoding is supported
  • IPAddress ip - IP address of the console
  • uint16_t port = 9000 - TCP port of the GrandMA3 software, default UDP port is 9000


interface(udp, gma3IP, gma3UdpPort);
interface(tcp, TCP, gma3IP, gma3TcpPort);

You can only use TCP or UDP, not both at once!

Helper Functions

Pool Number

You can change the Pool number common for all classes or for a single class member.

Common Page Number

For changing the common page number use

void poolCommon(uint16_t pool);

Default is Pool 1


poolCommon(2); // set common pool to 2

Pool Number by class

Refer to the classes documentation

Send Pool Number

You can change the pool number of the the console

void sendPool(uint16_t pool);


poolSend(2); // set the console pool to 2

Page Number

You can change the Page number common for all classes or for a single class member.

Common Page Number

For changing the common page number use

void pageCommon(uint16_t page);

Default is Page 1


pageCommon(2); // set common page to 2

Page Number by class

Refer to the classes documentation

Send Page Number

You can change the page number of the the console

void sendPage(uint16_t page);


pageSend(2); // set the console page to 2


Send a command message

void command(const char command[], protocol_t protocol = UDPOSC);





This class parse the message send from the console


Parser(cbptr callback);
  • callback callback pointer to a function which is called when a new message arrived


void parse() {
  Serial.print("OSC Pattern: ");
  Serial.print(" String: ");
  Serial.print(" Integer 1: ");
  Serial.print(" Integer 2: ");
  Serial.print(" Float: ");
Parser parser(parse);

The OSC data consists of the OSC pattern and max. 3 arguments, 1 String, up to two Integers and one Float argument To get the OSC data inside you can use following class members:

const char* patternOSC(); // returns the pattern string
int dataStructure(uint8_t level); // returns the parts of the internal data structure as an integer, the level can 0 thru 4
const char* stringOSC(); // returns the string argument which the command
int32_t int1OSC(); // returns the 1. integer argument
int32_t int2OSC(); // returns the 2. integer argument if available
float floatOSC(); // returns the float argument if available

Example Outputs are

OSC Pattern: String: Go+ Integer 1: 1 Integer 2: 0 Float: 0.00
OSC Pattern: String: Go+ Integer 1: 0 Integer 2: 0 Float: 0.00
OSC Pattern: String: FaderMaster Integer 1: 1 Integer 2: 0 Float: 100.00

The OSC pattern data is very cryptic because of the representation of the internal structure which there is no real documentation.


To get the messages send by console you must call inside the loop() function

void update();

Example, this must happen in the loop() function


Hardware Classes

It is now possible to use virtual devices like touchscreens e.g. from Nextion or I/O expanders for analog (MCP3208 and digital (MCP32017 inputs. You can find Libraries for this devices are on the my GitHub


With this class you can create Key objects which can be triggered with a button.


Key(uint8_t pin, uint16_t key);
Key(uint16_t key); // for virtual control
  • pin are the connection Pin for the button hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • key is the key number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Example this should done before the setup()

Key key201(2, 201);
// executor button 201, using pin 2
Key key201(201); // for virtual control


void pool(uint16_t poolLocal = 0);
  • poolLocal is the pool number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.


key201.pool(2); // set local pool 2
key201.pool(); // reset to global pool


void page(uint16_t pageLocal = 0);
  • pageLocal is the page number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.

Example; // set local page 2; // reset to global page


void update();
void update(bool state); // for virtual control
  • state optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press

To get the actual button state you must call inside the loop() function

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

// key201.update(TRUE);


This class allows you to control a fader containing with a hardware (slide) potentiometer as an executor fader.

Timing constants

#define FADER_UPDATE_RATE_MS  1 // update rate, must low at possible for fetching
#define FADER_THRESHOLD       4 // Jitter threshold of the faders


Fader(uint8_t analogPin, uint16_t fader);
Fader(uint16_t fader); // for virtual control
  • analogPin are the connection Analog Pin for the fader leveler, this is not needed for virtual control
  • fader is the fader number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Example, this should done before the setup()

Fader fader201(A0, 201); // leveler is Analog Pin A0, executor number of the fader is 201
Fader fader201(201); // for virtual control


void pool(uint16_t poolLocal = 0);
  • poolLocal is the pool number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.


fader201.pool(2); // set local pool 2
fader201.pool(); // reset to global pool


void page(uint16_t pageLocal = 0);
  • pageLocal is the page number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.

Example; // set local page 2; // reset to global page


int32_t value();

Return the value (0...100) of the fader.


int32_t value = fader201.value();


void fetch(uint16_t value);
  • value unlock value

Lock the sending of OSC fader data until the value defined in fetch() is reached.
This functionality is intended for page changing. So you need to fetch the fader before you can use it.


fader201.fetch(0); // set fetch value to 0


bool lock();
void lock(bool state);

Get or set the state of the fetch function, can used for indication of the fader state or force a new state.

  • true locked fader
  • false unlocked fader


bool state = fader201.lock(); // get the lock state
fader201.lock(false); // set the lock state


void jitter(uint8_t delta);
  • delta +/- value range

This functionality is a helper function for fetching.
e.g. if fetch(20) and jitter(2) the unlock value expand to a range from 18 ... 22


fader201.jitter(2); // set fetch range to +/- 2


To get the actual button state you must call inside the loop() function

void update();
void update(uint16_t value); // for virtual control
  • value optional for virtual inputs with 10 bits

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

void update(255); // about 25%


The ExecutorKnob class creates an encoder object which allows to control the executor knobs:

ExecutorKnob(uint8_t pinA, uint8_t pinB, uint16_t executorKnob, uint8_t direction = FORWARD);
ExecutorKnob(uint16_t executorKnob, uint8_t direction = FORWARD);
  • pinA and pinB are the connection Pins for the encoder hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • executorKnob is the number of the executor knob, refer to the GrandMA3 manual
  • direction is used for changing the direction of the encoder to clockwise if pinA and pinB are swapped. The directions are FORWARD (standard) or REVERSE

Example, this should done before the setup()

ExecutorKnob enc301(3, 4, 301, REVERSE);
// the encoder pins are 3/4, the number of the executorKnob is 301, encoder pins are swapped (REVERSE)
ExecutorKnob enc301(301, REVERSE); // for virtual control


void pool(uint16_t poolLocal = 0);
  • poolLocal is the pool number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.


enc301.pool(2); // set local pool 2
enc301.pool(); // reset to global pool


void page(uint16_t pageLocal = 0);
  • pageLocal is the page number of the executors, refer to the GrandMA3 manual

Set a local page number which overrides the global.

Example; // set local page 2; // reset to global page


To get the actual encoder state you must call inside the loop() function

void update();
void update(uint8_t stateA, uint8_t stateB); // for virtual control
  • stateA optional for virtual devices, TRUE if encoderA contacts
  • stateB optional for virtual devices, TRUE if encoderB contacts

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

enc301.update(TRUE, FALSE); // for virtual control


With this class you can create a button which allows to send commands to the console.

CmdButton(uint8_t pin, const char command[]);
CmdButton(const char *command); // for virtual control
  • pin are the connection Pin for the button hardware, this not needed for virtual control
  • command is a command string which should send to the console, refer also to the GrandMA3 manual

Example, this should done before the setup()

CmdButton macro1(A2, "GO+ Macro 1"); // button on pin A2, fires Macro 1
CmdButton macro1("GO+ Macro 1"); // for virtual control


To get the actual button state you must call inside the loop() function

void update();
void update(bool state); // for virtual control
  • state optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

macro1.update(TRUE); // for virtual button press


With this class you can create a Page object which can be controlled with a two button.


Pages(uint8_t pinUp, uint8_t pinDown, uint8_t pagesStart, uint8_t pagesEnd, send_t mode = GLOBAL, cbptr callback = nullptr);
Pages(uint8_t pagesStart, uint8_t pagesEnd, send_t mode = GLOBAL, cbptr callback = nullptr); // for virtual control
  • pinUp are the connection Pin for the up button hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • pinDown are the connection Pin for the up button hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • pageStart is the start page number
  • pageLast is the last used page number
  • mode you can control how page information is used
    • LOCAL page is only used for internal use
    • CONSOLE page is only send to the console
    • GLOBAL page is used overall
  • callback callback pointer to a function which is called when a button is pressed, within the callback function you can proceed fetch() or display functions using currentPage() and lastPage() functions

Example this should done before the setup()

Pages pages(2, 3, 1, PAGES, GLOBAL, pageChange); // up button pin 2, down button pin 3, start with page 1, last page is 4, global control, pageChange() is callback function name
Pages pages(1, PAGES, GLOBAL, pageChange); // for virtual control


uint16_t currentPage();

Get the current page number.


uint16_t pageCurrent = pages.currentPage()


uint16_t lastPage();

Get the last used page number.


uint16_t pageLast = pages.lastPage()


void update();
void update(bool stateUp, bool stateDown); // for virtual control
  • stateUp state of the up button, optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press
  • stateDown state of the down button, optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press

To get the actual button states you must call inside the loop() function

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

pages.update(TRUE, FALSE); // for virtual control


With this class you can create a Pool object which can be controlled with a two button.


Pools(uint8_t pinUp, uint8_t pinDown, uint8_t poolsStart, uint8_t poolsEnd, send_t mode = GLOBAL, cbptr callback = nullptr);
Pools(uint8_t pagesStart, uint8_t pagesEnd, send_t mode = GLOBAL, cbptr callback = nullptr); // for virtual control
  • pinUp are the connection Pin for the up button hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • pinDown are the connection Pin for the up button hardware, this is not needed for virtual control
  • pageStart is the start page number
  • pageLast is the last used page number
  • mode you can control how page information is used
    • LOCAL page is only used for internal use
    • CONSOLE page is only send to the console
    • GLOBAL page is used overall
  • callback callback pointer to a function which is called when a button is pressed, within the callback function you can proceed fetch() or display functions using currentPage() and lastPage() functions

Example this should done before the setup()

Pools pools(4, 5, 1, PAGES, GLOBAL, pageChange); // up button pin 4, down button pin 5, start with page 1, last page is 4, global control, pageChange() is callback function name
Pages pages(1, PAGES, GLOBAL, pageChange); // for virtual control


uint16_t currentPool();

Get the current pool number.


uint16_t poolCurrent = pools.currentPool()


uint16_t lastPool();

Get the last used pool number.


uint16_t poolLast = pools.lastPool()


void update();
void update(bool stateUp, bool stateDown); // for virtual control
  • stateUp state of the up button, optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press
  • stateDown state of the down button, optional for virtual devices, TRUE if button press

To get the actual button states you must call inside the loop() function

Example, this must happen in the loop() function

pools.update(TRUE, FALSE); // for virtual control

Send an OSC message manually

Send an OSC message with different data tags

void oscMessage(const char pattern[], int32_t int32);
void oscMessage(const char pattern[], float float32);
void oscMessage(const char pattern[], const char string[]);
void oscMessage(const char pattern[]);
  • const char pattern[] is the OSC pattern
  • int32_t int32 for integer data
  • float float32 for float date
  • const char string[] for strings


Arduino library to control GrandMA3 lighting consoles using OSC







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