diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4e5de7a..c9ac742 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# React Native Bottom Sheet 💖
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@@ -6,11 +7,12 @@
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The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
![Preview for Android & iOS](https://i.ibb.co/Y38XsMr/Combined.gif)
#### Web Preview
@@ -45,7 +47,8 @@ yarn add @devvie/bottom-sheet
## 📱 Minimal Usage
-Opening and closing the bottom sheet is done imperatively, so just pass a `ref` to the bottom sheet and call the `open` or `close` methods via the `ref` instance to open and close the bottom sheet respectively.
+Opening and closing the bottom sheet is done imperatively, so just pass a `ref` to the bottom sheet and call the `open` or `close` methods via the `ref` instance to open and close the bottom sheet respectively.
##### Examples
@@ -54,130 +57,139 @@ Opening and closing the bottom sheet is done imperatively, so just pass a `ref`
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import BottomSheet, { BottomSheetMethods } from '@devvie/bottom-sheet';
-import { Button } from 'react-native';
+import { Button, View } from 'react-native';
const App = () => {
const sheetRef = useRef(null);
return (
- sheetRef.current.open()} />
- The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
+ sheetRef.current?.open()} />
+ The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
export default App;
#### Javascript
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import BottomSheet, { BottomSheetMethods } from '@devvie/bottom-sheet';
-import { Button } from 'react-native';
+import { Button, View } from 'react-native';
const App = () => {
const sheetRef = useRef(null);
return (
- sheetRef.current.open()} />
- The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
+ sheetRef.current?.open()} />
+ The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀
### ⚠ Warning
-The bottom sheet component uses and handles pan gestures internally, so to avoid scroll/pan misbehavior with its container, **DO NOT** put it inside a container that supports panning e.g `ScrollView`. You can always put it just next to the `ScrollView` and use `React Fragment` or a `View` to wrap them and everything should be okay.
+The bottom sheet component uses and handles pan gestures internally, so to avoid scroll/pan misbehavior with its container, **DO NOT** put it inside a container that supports panning e.g `ScrollView`. You can always put it just next to the `ScrollView` and use `React Fragment` or a `View` to wrap them and everything should be okay.
#### ❌ Don't do this
- ...
+ ...
#### ✅ Do this
- ...
+ ...
- ...
+ ...
## 🛠 Props
The bottom sheet is highly configurable via props. All props works for both `Android` and `iOS` except those prefixed with `android_` and `ios_`, which works for only `Android` and `iOS` respectively.
-| Property | Type | Default | Description | Required |
-| ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
-| `android_backdropMaskRippleColor` | `string \| OpaqueColorValue` | | Color of the ripple effect when backdrop mask is pressed (__Android Only__). | No |
-| `android_closeOnBackPress` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the sheet will close when the device back button is pressed (__Android Only__). | No |
-| `animationType` | `'slide' \| 'spring' \| 'fade' \| ANIMATIONS` | `'slide'` | Animation to use when opening and closing the bottom sheet. | No |
-| `backdropMaskColor` | `string \| OpaqueColorValue` | `'#00000052'` | Color of the scrim or backdrop mask. | No |
-| `children` | `ViewProps['children'] \| React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | `null` | Contents of the bottom sheet. | Yes |
-| `closeDuration` | `number` | `500` | Duration for sheet closing animation. | No |
-| `closeOnBackdropPress` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when the scrim or backdrop mask is pressed. | No |
-| `closeOnDragDown` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when dragged down. | No |
-| `containerHeight` | `ViewStyle['height']` | `DEVICE SCREEN HEIGHT` | Height of the bottom sheet's overall container. | No |
-| `customBackdropComponent` | `React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | `null` | Custom component for sheet's scrim or backdrop mask. | No |
-| `customBackdropPosition` | `"top" \| "behind"` | `'behind'` | Determines the position of the custom scrim or backdrop component. `'behind'` puts it behind the keyboard and `'top'`` puts it atop the keyboard. | No |
-| `customDragHandleComponent` | `React.FC<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | | Custom drag handle component to replace the default bottom sheet's drag handle. | No |
-| `customEasingFunction` | `AnimationEasingFunction` | `ANIMATIONS.SLIDE` | Custom easing function for driving sheet's animation. | No |
-| `disableBodyPanning` | `boolean` | `false` | Prevents the bottom sheet from being dragged/panned down on its body. | No |
-| `disableDragHandlePanning` | `boolean` | `false` | Prevents the bottom sheet from being panned down by dragging its drag handle. | No |
-| `dragHandleStyle` | `ViewStyle` | | Extra styles to apply to the drag handle. | No |
-| `height` | `number \| string` | `'50%'` | Height of the bottom sheet when opened. Relative to `containerHeight` prop | No |
-| `hideDragHandle` | `boolean` | `false` | When true, hides the sheet's drag handle. | No |
-| `modal` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the sheet is a modal. A modal sheet has a scrim or backdrop mask, while a standard (non-modal) sheet doesn't. | No |
-| `openDuration` | `number` | `500` | Duration for sheet opening animation. | No |
-| `style` | `Omit` | | Extra styles to apply to the bottom sheet. | No |
+| Property | Type | Default | Description | Required |
+| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| `android_backdropMaskRippleColor` | `string \| OpaqueColorValue` | | Color of the ripple effect when backdrop mask is pressed (**Android Only**). | No |
+| `android_closeOnBackPress` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the sheet will close when the device back button is pressed (**Android Only**). | No |
+| `animationType` | `'slide' \| 'spring' \| 'fade' \| ANIMATIONS` | `'slide'` | Animation to use when opening and closing the bottom sheet. | No |
+| `backdropMaskColor` | `string \| OpaqueColorValue` | `'#00000052'` | Color of the scrim or backdrop mask. | No |
+| `children` | `ViewProps['children'] \| React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | `null` | Contents of the bottom sheet. | Yes |
+| `closeDuration` | `number` | `500` | Duration for sheet closing animation. | No |
+| `closeOnBackdropPress` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when the scrim or backdrop mask is pressed. | No |
+| `closeOnDragDown` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when dragged down. | No |
+| `containerHeight` | `ViewStyle['height']` | `DEVICE SCREEN HEIGHT` | Height of the bottom sheet's overall container. | No |
+| `customBackdropComponent` | `React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | `null` | Custom component for sheet's scrim or backdrop mask. | No |
+| `customBackdropPosition` | `"top" \| "behind"` | `'behind'` | Determines the position of the custom scrim or backdrop component. `'behind'` puts it behind the keyboard and `'top'`` puts it atop the keyboard. | No |
+| `customDragHandleComponent` | `React.FC<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}>` | | Custom drag handle component to replace the default bottom sheet's drag handle. | No |
+| `customEasingFunction` | `AnimationEasingFunction` | `ANIMATIONS.SLIDE` | Custom easing function for driving sheet's animation. | No |
+| `disableBodyPanning` | `boolean` | `false` | Prevents the bottom sheet from being dragged/panned down on its body. | No |
+| `disableDragHandlePanning` | `boolean` | `false` | Prevents the bottom sheet from being panned down by dragging its drag handle. | No |
+| `dragHandleStyle` | `ViewStyle` | | Extra styles to apply to the drag handle. | No |
+| `height` | `number \| string` | `'50%'` | Height of the bottom sheet when opened. Relative to `containerHeight` prop | No |
+| `hideDragHandle` | `boolean` | `false` | When true, hides the sheet's drag handle. | No |
+| `modal` | `boolean` | `true` | Determines whether the sheet is a modal. A modal sheet has a scrim or backdrop mask, while a standard (non-modal) sheet doesn't. | No |
+| `openDuration` | `number` | `500` | Duration for sheet opening animation. | No |
+| `style` | `Omit` | | Extra styles to apply to the bottom sheet. | No |
## Examples
Flexibility is a focus for this bottom sheet, these few examples shows certain behaviors of the bottom sheet and what can be achieved by tweaking its props.
### 1️⃣ Smart response to keyboard pop ups and orientation changes (_automatic behavior_)
-Android | iOS
- ![Preview for keyboard handling (Android)](https://i.ibb.co/0BfLWYK/Keyboard-Response.gif) | ![Preview for keyboard handling (iOS)](https://i.ibb.co/302ZYBL/Keyboard-Response.gif)
+| Android | iOS |
+| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
+| ![Preview for keyboard handling (Android)](https://i.ibb.co/0BfLWYK/Keyboard-Response.gif) | ![Preview for keyboard handling (iOS)](https://i.ibb.co/302ZYBL/Keyboard-Response.gif) |
### 2️⃣ Handles deeply nested list and scroll views interactions (_automatic beavior_)
-Android | iOS
- ![Preview for scroll handling (Android)](https://i.ibb.co/kgfPM3w/Nested-Scroll.gif) | ![Preview for scroll handling (iOS)](https://i.ibb.co/rcrJVLc/Nested-List.gif)
+| Android | iOS |
+| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
+| ![Preview for scroll handling (Android)](https://i.ibb.co/kgfPM3w/Nested-Scroll.gif) | ![Preview for scroll handling (iOS)](https://i.ibb.co/rcrJVLc/Nested-List.gif) |
### 3️⃣ Auto adjusts layout when `height` and `containerHeight` props change (_automatic behavior_)
### 4️⃣ Extend sheet height when its content is scrolled
### 5️⃣ Use as `SnackBar`
### 6️⃣ Custom Drag Handle Animation Interpolation
### 7️⃣ Custom Scrim/Backdrop Mask