Canvas is a common vector drawing target that can output SVG, PDF, EPS and raster images (which can be saved as PNG, JPG, ...).
- Implement
- Switch to coordinate system with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner?
- Switch to radians instead of degrees for ellipse internal calculations?
- Support WOFF and WOFF2 font formats
- Support ligatures and font hinting
- Support embedding only used characters
- Support Type1 font format?
- Improve PDF font embedding (don't require pre-compiled .json file)
- Add path IsCW / IsCCW
- Add ArcTo in endpoint format (take begin/end angle and center point)
- Add offsetting of path (expand / contract), tricky with overlap
- Add support for easier usage of projections / viewboxes?
- Convert lines to cubic Beziérs to smooth out the path
- Improve ellipse flattening and introduce splitting up ellipses into partial arcs
- Support partial fonts with only used characters to optimize SVG/PDF file size
- Optimize/minify paths from and to SVG
- Optimize paths by replacing Quad/Cube/Arc to line if they are linear (eg. p0=p1=p2 for cubic Bezier)
- Optimize paths by removing the last Line if followed by Close
- Approximate Beziérs by arcs instead of lines when stroking, if number of path elements is reduced by more than 2 times (check)
- Approximate arcs by Beziérs given a tolerance for use in the rasterizer
c := canvas.New()
c.Open(width, height float64)
c.SetColor(color color.Color)
c.SetFont(fontFace Face)
c.DrawPath(x, y float64, path *Path)
c.DrawText(x, y float64, text string)
c.WriteSVG(w io.Writer)
c.WriteEPS(w io.Writer) // WIP
c.WritePDF(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf) // will accept io.Writer soon, uses jung-kurt/gofpdf now
c.WriteImage(dpi float64) *image.RGBA
Canvas allows to draw either paths or text. All positions and sizes are given in millimeters.
dejaVuSerif, err := canvas.LoadFontFile("DejaVuSerif", canvas.Regular, "DejaVuSerif.ttf") // TTF or OTF
ff := dejaVuSerif.Face(size float64)
ff.Info() (name string, style FontStyle, size float64)
ff.Metrics() Metrics // font metrics such as line height
ff.Bounds(text string) (width, height float64) // bounding box of the text in mm, processes new lines
ff.ToPath(text string) *Path // convert text to path
A large deal of this library implements functionality for building paths. Any path can be constructed from a few basic operations, see below. The successive commands start from the current pen position (from the previous command's end point) and are drawn towards a new end point. A path can consist of multiple path segments (multiple MoveTos), but be aware that overlapping paths will cancel each other.
p := &Path{}
p.MoveTo(x, y float64) // new path segment starting at (x,y)
p.LineTo(x, y float64) // straight line to (x,y)
p.QuadTo(cpx, cpy, x, y float64) // a quadratic Bézier with control point (cpx,cpy) and end point (x,y)
p.CubeTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y float64) // a cubic Bézier with control points (cp1x,cp1y), (cp2x,cp2y) and end point (x,y)
p.ArcTo(rx, ry, rot float64, largeArc, sweep bool, x, y float64) // an arc of an ellipse with radii (rx,ry), rotated by rot (in degrees), with flags largeArc and sweep (booleans, see
p.Close() // close the path, essentially a LineTo to the last MoveTo location
We can extract information from these paths using:
p.Empty() bool // returns boolean
p.Pos() (x, y float64) // current pen position
p.StartPos() (x, y float64) // position of last MoveTo
p.Bounds() Rect // WIP: bounding box of path
p.Length() float64 // WIP: length of path in millimeters
p.ToSVG() string // to SVG
p.ToPS() string // to PostScript
These paths can be manipulated and transformed with the following commands. Each will return a pointer to the path.
p.Append(q *Path) // append path q to p
p.Split() // split the path segments, ie. at Close/MoveTo
p.SplitAt(d ...float64) // split the path at certain lengths d
p.Reverse() // reverse the direction of the path
p.Translate(x, y float64)
p.Scale(x, y float64)
p.Rotate(rot, x, y float64) // with the rotation rot in degrees, around point (x,y)
p.Flatten() // flatten Bézier and arc commands to straight lines
p.Stroke(width float64, capper Capper, joiner Joiner) // create a stroke from a path of certain width, using capper and joiner for caps and joins
p.Dash(d ...float64) // create dashed path with lengths d which are alternating the dash and the space
To generate outlines generated by LaTeX, you need latex
and dvisvgm
installed on your system.
p, err := ParseLaTeX(`$y=\sin\(\frac{x}{180}\pi\)$`)
if err != nil {
Where the provided string gets inserted into the following document template:
See for a working example, including fonts. Note that for PDFs you need to pre-compile fonts using makefont
installed by go install
and then compile them by running makefont --embed DejaVuSerif.ttf
Released under the MIT license.