Runme's Cloud-Native Bash Kernel understand how to replace ENV variables with their values. This allows you to generically embed GCP cloud resources in your notebook.
export PROJECT_ID="runme-ci"
echo "PROJECT_ID set to $PROJECT_ID"
Let's see what VMs we've got running inside the GCP project:$PROJECT_ID
Let's select a profile first. Runme is using the offical AWS SDK under the hood, so it can use the same profiles as the AWS CLI.
export AWS_PROFILE="stateful"
echo "Using AWS Profile $AWS_PROFILE"
Let's see what Kubernetes clusters we've got running in EKS:
export EKS_REGION="us-east-1"
echo "EKS_REGION set to $EKS_REGION"
cat assets/consoles.png
💡 Here's a video if you don't remember Xzibit's TV show and how it became a meme.