Updated media folders engine to latest MediaFolders API.
Synchronized ICSharpZipLib assembly with the version of the latest MeediOS installation.
Synchronized TVDBLibrary assembly with the version of the latest MeediOS 0.5 installation
Removed iWshRuntimeLibrary.dll.
Removed Song lyrics downloader.
Removed iTunes synchronizer.
Added plugin icon.
Removed Video Subtitle Downloader.
Removed Archive Extractor.
Removed Film Releases Updater.
Removed General Content Downloader.
Revamped Settings screen.
Improved and optimized IMDb film cover art downloader.
Removed Media Archivers
Removed Media Watcher
Removed File Dates import options.
Various fixes and optimizations for IMDb film details downloader.
Various fixes and optimizations for Video Filename Cleaner.
Removed Media Library Synchronizer.
Removed Import Sequencer.
Removed Automated Version Updater.
Revamped settings screen for easier configuration.
Various improvements and optimizations for media file importers.
Removed AllMediaGuide film details downloader.
Removed Seven Video Net film details downloader.
Now uses only one media library for TV data.
Removed MeedioFr.org music artist backdrop downloader.
Removed MobyGames game details downloader.
Removed OpenSubtitles.org video hash uploader.
Incorporated RSS reader into main assembly.
Incorporated Xml.Rpc functions into main assembly.
Fixed an issue of media file importer preventing it from importing music files.
Fixed an issue of film cover art downloader preventing it from downloading film cover art.
Updated to latest version of MediaInfo.dll.
Various improvements and optimizations.
Removed setting for MovieNight compatibility. (MovieNight is a Meedio-only plugin)
Removed MusicDNS audio track identifier. (Will be added back after necessary adjustments)
Revamped settings screen for easier plugin configuration.
Moved media file extension dictionaries to a sub-directory of the plugin's root folder.
Improved and optimized media snapshots engine.
Removed music album cover art downloader.
Removed selective updating mechanism.
Removed obsolete library field previously used to store a flag for film item updating. Now the item processing decision will be made on the fly.
Improved and optimized code.
The plugin's name is now changed to MeediFier for MeediOS.
Removed dependency to assembly JCUtils.dll.
Minor improvements and optimizations.
- Implemented new web data scraping engine. Scraping of web metadata will now be much more accurate and far less sensitive to website changes.
Removed dependency to assembly HtmlAgilityPack.dll
Removed dependency to assembly TVDbLibrary.dll
Minor improvements and optimizations.
Implemented themoviedb.org film title matching engine. This engine identifies a film by it's title using themoviedb.org.
You can now define the priority of the available film title matching engines and enable or disable them individually.