I am complete beginner to Ethereum and crypto relevant tech. I will continue until I get a job with this. If I could, you will also able to get a job following this repository.
If you want the similar one for Rust, you can refer to the Rust Full Stack Repository.
You can support it with Bitcoin.
- Update React Parcel Ethereum example
- Code a remote purchase example with React and an image of a real product while you refer to with_ipfs and react parcel ethereum example.
- Write a job board with login and CRUD for freelancers.
- Search and read information for Object Oriented Programming.
- Code the first section of the CryptoZombie to learn Solidity and the official ethereum build page
- Follow Dapp Tutorial to set up development environment with Promise API.(The last process is outdated?, Some Solidity syntax is different from the current version.)
- Code the second section(truffle, ganache) of the CryptoZombie course.
- Read the official documenation for Solidty and foucs on contract, units and global variables and Solidity by example part. Then, read Truffle documenation
- You can inherit from the existing contracts. Read OpenZepplin Documenation and find more.
- Ethereum Book
- https://swcregistry.io/
- Building a fully decentralized User profile app on Ethereum and IPFS
- Never Use Passwords Again with Ethereum and Metamask
- Solidity Crud
- Read the source code of Solidity patterns.
- Make a frontend code and tests.
- Find some interesting projects at dappuniversity GitHub and other.
$truffle init or $truffle unbox
$truffle compile
$truffle create contract Contract
Make migrations/2_contract.js and write Solidity code for Contract.sol file.
$truffle migrate
$truffle console
contract = await Contract.new()
$truffle test
// Edit contract if necessary.
$truffle migrate --reset
($yarn dev)
- Hello with a pure function.
- Minimal Example with a getter and setter to handle data.
- Test modifier imported from another contract.
- Remote purchase example with tests
- React Parcel Ethereum example
- Follow the with-ipfs project and update it with the latest code.
- Make a job board with login and CRUD.
- Why IPFS, IPFS companion browser extension, Pinata or Filecoin(I am not sure this will be worth your time.) to save data
- Official documenation, Learn commands with Decentralized web primer
- Tutorials
- go-ipfs, js-ipfs
- OrbitDB and a blog post for it.
- pubsub