Simply dealing with as the description says "nearly" all kinds of software which means it deals with a few much used socket protocols Since it also handles web socket requests it can be used as a real cross-side server
You do not need much to get your Server Running!
All you need is the Packet Structure and the know-how of how to create events.
That's easy, look! Packets are platform and socket wide the same
A Normal Packet would look like this
{"event":"name", "payload":"your_data"}
But you can parse even more Objects inside the Packet
{"event":"name", "payload":{"arg1":"arg_value_1","arg2":"arg_value_2","arg3":"arg_value_3"}};
and this can go on for ever but, this should show the point of a packet
Something needs to happen with your packet! The Event Handler is handling it. The Handler is taking in an Event Name and a Function for it.
Events look like this:
{name:'logout', function() {eventFunction(possible,arguments)}},
But somewhere your event needs to be defined! As default they are stored in bin/classes/events
and a normal Event is build like this:
Console.log('Your code here please');
Not difficult right? well, then good luck and happy coding :D