Tests all urls of your application
/!\ Keep in mind this is an alpha version /!\
Don't allow to update minor/bug fix versions, as we can break compatibility between bug fixes until final release.
composer require --dev steevanb/php-url-test 0.3.*
Instead of install it in your project with Composer, you can use official Docker image.
docker run \
# Create a volume with your test configurations into /app
-v /var/www/tests:/app \
# You can use `URLTEST_PARAMETERS` env variable to add parameters to `urltest` command.
-e URLTEST_PARAMETERS="--ansi --configuration=/app/urltest.yml -vvv" \
# Allow this container to access host domains
--net=host \
# scan tests/ to find *.urltest.yml files, --recursive=false or -r=false to not do it recursively
# if urltest.yml file is found into tests/ (not in sub directories), it will be used for default configuration file
vendor/bin/urltest tests/
# test url_test_foo
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ url_test_foo
# test url_test_foo and all tests who match preg pattern /^url_test_bar[0..9]{1,}$/
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ url_test_foo,/^url_test_bar[0..9]{1,}$/
# launch tests from foo.urltest.yml only
vendor/bin/urltest tests/Tests/foo.urltest.yml
# don't use tests/urltest.yml, use another configuration file
# if you are a few developers with different domain for each developer,
# you can create a configuration file by developer and use parameters to configure it
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --configuration=tests/foo.yml
# show only failed test comparison (by default), use -v, -vv or -vvv to get more informations
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --reader=steevanb\\PhpUrlTest\\ResultReader\\ConsoleResultReader#error
# show only passed test comparison, use -v, -vv or -vvv to get more informations
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --reader=steevanb\\PhpUrlTest\\ResultReader\\ConsoleResultReader#success
You can create your own ResultReader, by implementing steevanb\PhpUrlTest\ResultReader\ResultReaderInterface.
Then you can use it as you use ConsoleResultReader, with --reader
You can separate readers by ,
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --reader=steevanb\\PhpUrlTest\\ResultReader\\ConsoleResultReader#error,Foo\\Bar#success,Foo\\Baz
You have 3 parameters to stop tests when a test fail, and resume tests from the one who fail, or skip it and continue after this one :
# stop when a test fail
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --stop-on-error
# when a test fail, continue testing since the one who fail (do not re-test previous ones)
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --stop-on-error --continue
# used with --continue, skip last fail test, and continue testing after this one (do not re-test previous ones)
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --skip
## Change directory where UrlTest could write files
vendor/bin/urltest tests/ --var-path=/foo
# dump only global configuration
vendor/bin/urltest --dump-configuration tests/
# dump global configuration, and url_test_foo configuration
vendor/bin/urltest --dump-configuration tests/ url_test_foo
# dump global configuration, url_test_foo configuration and all configurations who id match preg pattern /^url_test_bar[0..9]{1,}$/
vendor/bin/urltest --dump-configuration tests/ url_test_foo,/^url_test_bar[0..9]{1,}$/
Only request.url is required.
# If abstract = true, this test will not be launched. you can use it as default configuration with parent: testId in another test
abstract: false
# Id of parent default configuration
parent: ~
# 0 is first. don't use negative numbers, it's used by UrlTest
position: 0
# Commands called before the test. it could be a string (for only one command) or an array of commands.
- command
# Commands called after the test. it could be a string (for only one command) or an array of commands.
- commands
# You can use parameters (see above) to configure what you need
url: '%domain%/foo'
timeout: 30
port: 80
method: GET
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36
referer: http://referer.com
allowRedirect: true
# List of headers to add to request
X-Foo: bar
url: http://test.dev
code: 200
size: 300
contentType: text/html
numConnects: 1
# Set count if you know exaclty number of redirects you want to test, or min/max
min: 1
max: 1
count: 1
size: 200
# List of headers who has to exists, and have exaclty this value
X-Foo: bar
# List of headers should not exists
- X-Bar
# Content to compare with response, <file($fileName)> will get content of $fileName
content: <file('content.html')>
size: 100
# Transformer id : transform data from content key before comparing it to response
transformer: json
# File name where tranformed expected content will be saved, if you need to test your transformer for example
fileName: /tmp/urlTestResult/expectedResponse.html
# Transformer id : transform data from response body before comparing it to expected response
transformer: json
# File name where response body will be saved
fileName: /tmp/urlTestResult/response.html
You can define default configurations for all tests in your .urltest.yml file :
# here you can define sames configurations as for a test
# this configurations will be applied to all tests in this file, if value is not defined, null or ~
A response body transformer will modify response body at 2 differents steps:
: transform expected responseresponse.body.transformer
: transform response
List of available transformers:
: try to decode and reencode value, will transform response to null if data is not a valid JSONuuid
: try to decode response (should be a valid JSON) and replace all UUID value by____UUID____
To create your own ResponseBodyTransformer, you have to do this steps:
- Create a class who implement
- Register your ResponseBodyTransformer with
You can define global configurations in urltest.yml.
This configurations will be applied to all tests.
# you can define tests here, or abstract tests to use it in all your tests
abstract: true
url: http://test.dev
# parameters can be used in almost all urltest configurations
# define it's value here, and use it with %parameterName% in your configuration
domain: 'http://foo.local'