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File metadata and controls

139 lines (108 loc) · 7.12 KB

Resource: "windows_computer"

This resource is automatically created by the windows-computer, and cannot be destroyed.

  • Terraform's "Create" lifecycle-method imports the resource, saves the imported state so it can be reinstated at a later time, and updates the resource based on the attributes in the Terraform configuration.

  • Terraform's "Destroy" lifecycle-method reinstates the originally imported state.

Example Usage

resource "windows_computer" "my_computer_1" {
    dns_client {
        suffix_search_list = [ "local" ]
        enable_devolution  = true
        devolution_level   = 0
output "my_computer_1_name" {
    value =
resource "windows_computer" "my_computer_2" {
    new_name = "MY-COMPUTER"
output "my_computer_2_name" {
    value =
output "my_computer_2_reboot_pending" {
    value = windows_computer.my_computer_2.reboot_pending
output "my_computer_2_rename_pending" {
    value = windows_computer.my_computer_2.reboot_pending_details[0].computer_rename_pending

Argument Attributes Reference

  • new_name - (string, Optional) - The new name of the windows-computer. When this is different from the current name, then the exported reboot_pending attribute and computer_rename_pending attribute in reboot_pending_details will be set to true. The new name will only become effective after a reboot of the windows computer.

  • dns_client - (resource, Optional)

    • suffix_search_list - (list[string], Optional) - Specifies a list of global suffixes that can be used in the specified order by the DNS client for resolving the IP address of the computer name. These suffixes are appended in the specified order to resolve the computer name that is specified. This attribute cannot be set if the suffix search list setting is already deployed through Group Policy.

    • enable_devolution - (boolean, Optional) - Indicates whether devolution is activated. With devolution, the DNS resolver creates new FQDNs by appending the single-label, unqualified domain name with the parent suffix of the primary DNS suffix name, and the parent of that suffix, and so on, stopping if the name is successfully resolved or at a level specified in the devolution_level attribute. Devolution works by removing the left-most label and continuing to get to the parent suffix. This attribute cannot be set if the devolution level setting is already deployed through Group Policy.

    • devolution_level - (integer, Optional) - Specifies the number of labels up to which devolution should occur. The devolution level is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. If this attribute is 0, then the FRD algorithm is used. If this attribute is greater than 0, then devolution occurs until the specified level. This attribute cannot be set if the devolution level setting is already deployed through Group Policy.

Exported Attributes Reference

    "name":     "MY-COMPUTER",
    "new_name": "MY-COMPUTER",

    "dns_client": [{
        "suffix_search_list": [ "local" ],
        "enable_devolution":  true,
        "devolution_level":   0,

    "reboot_pending": false,
    "reboot_pending_details": [{
        "computer_rename_pending": false,
        "current_reboot_attemps":  false,
        "dvd_reboot_signal":       false,
        "file_rename_pending":     false,
        "netlogon_pending":        false,
        "packages_pending":        false,
        "post_reboot_reporting":   false,
        "reboot_in_progress":      false,
        "reboot_pending":          false,
        "reboot_required":         false,
        "services_pending":        false,
        "update_exe_volatile":     false

In addition to the argument attributes:

  • name - (string) - The name of the windows-computer.

  • reboot_pending - (boolean) - The windows-computer is waiting for a reboot.

  • reboot_pending_details - (resource) - The reason for reboot_pending.

    • computer_rename_pending - (boolean) - The windows-computer is waiting for a reboot because it was given a new name.

    • Other attributes are outside the scope of this documentation. They refer to Windows registry items - see tables below. For more information, please refer to the Windows documentation

API Mapping

To help with debugging, the following provides an overview of where the attributes can be found, using shell commands.

Mapping of attributes on Powershell
attribute command
name $env:ComputerName
new_name ( Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName' -Name 'ComputerName' ).ComputerName
suffix_search_list ( Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting ).SuffixSearchList
enable_devolution ( Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting ).UseDevolution
devolution_level ( Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting ).DevolutionLevel
reboot_pending see table below
reboot_pending_details see table below
Mapping of reboot_pending_details on the Windows registry
attribute key,
condition for true value
computer_rename_pending HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName,
ComputerName value not equal to $env:ComputerName
current_reboot_attemps HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager\CurrentRebootAttempts,
key exist
dvd_reboot_signal HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,
DVDRebootSignal value exists
file_rename_pending HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager,
PendingFileRenameOperations value exists or PendingFileRenameOperations2 value exists
netlogon_pending HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon,
JoinDomain value exists or AvoidSpnSet value exists
packages_pending HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\PackagesPending,
key exist
post_reboot_reporting HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\PostRebootReporting,
key exists
reboot_in_progress HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\RebootInProgress,
key exist
reboot_pending HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\RebootPending,
key exist
reboot_required HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired,
key exists
services_pending HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Services\Pending,
any GUID subkeys exist
update_exe_volatile HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates,
UpdateExeVolatile value not equal to 0