- A React/Redux client-side application (MUI & GSAP)
- Backend: Google Cloud Functions, Firestore db
- It can run concurrently: proxy [server/client]
- user login - logout - signup w/ validation √
- show userProfile √
- user profile image upload √
- edit userProfile √
- user like/likeCount √
- warning badges for likes √ [when authenticated : not authenticated :already liked before] √
- footer comp - √
- add message √ [it's ok to like your own message - but just once && while authenticated]
- delete messages √ [so long as you own it and authenticated] √
- warning badges for messages √ [ when message does not belong to user] √
- grid √ [messages: 12 - col not authenticated] [messages: 8col when authenticated] √
- heading √ [moves to the side of messages when scroll-down - react.ref] √
- updated backend firebase function - chat-app-repo (returns user info + messages - not protected) √
- installed gsap & updted styling √
- login/signup loading component √
- nav link button to user profile √
- added account button for logged in user while authenticated. √
- updated ui site link √
- user ui page...
º [todo] => if user uploads profile image and has already posted a message with default image, it should update posted message image as well.
ª loading
º refactoring /classes etc.
º responsiveness. √
_screenshots @: [/images/screenshots/]