Multi-threaded open-source web application security scanner
The current version can detect the following vulnerabilities:
- SQL-Injections
- Error Based
- Boolean Based
- Time Based
- Cross-Site-Scripting
- Reflected
- Stored
- File-inclusion
- Local file inclusion
- Remote file inclusion
- File uploads
- Command Injection
- Backup-files
- Generic error disclosure
- Source code disclosure
- Web application fingerprint
- CMS Vulerability scanner for:
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Typo3
- Textpattern
- Magento
- Subrion
- CMS made simple
- Concrete5
- MODX Revolution
- Automatic launching of Metasploit modules (through msfrpc)
- unsafe at the moment
The recommended way
pip install Helios-Scanner
helios -h
The manual way
git clone
cd Helios
pip install
helios -h
Please grab a coffee when the CVE database is updating, it might take a while
usage: helios: args [-h] [-u URL] [--urls URLS]
[--user-agent USER_AGENT] [-a] [-o OUTFILE]
[-d] [--driver-path DRIVER_PATH]
[--show-driver] [--interactive] [--no-proxy]
[--proxy-port PROXY_PORT] [-c]
[--max-urls MAXURLS] [--scopes SCOPES]
[--scope-options SCOPE_OPTIONS] [-s] [--adv]
[--cms] [--webapp] [--optimize]
[--options CUSTOM_OPTIONS]
[--login LOGIN_TYPE]
[--login-creds LOGIN_CREDS]
[--login-url LOGIN_URL]
[--login-data LOGIN_DATA]
[--token-url TOKEN_URL]
[--header LOGIN_HEADER] [--threads THREADS]
[--sslverify] [--database DB] [-v] [--msf]
[--msf-host MSF_HOST] [--msf-port MSF_PORT]
[--msf-creds MSF_CREDS]
[--msf-endpoint MSF_URI]
[--msf-nossl MSF_NOSSL] [--msf-start]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL URL to start with
--urls URLS file with URL's to start with
--user-agent USER_AGENT
Set the user agent
-a, --all Run everything
-o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE
Output file to write to (JSON)
Chromedriver Options:
-d, --driver Run WebDriver for advanced discovery
--driver-path DRIVER_PATH
Set custom path for the WebDriver
--show-driver Show the WebDriver window
--interactive Dont close the WebDriver window until keypress
--no-proxy Disable the proxy module for the WebDriver
--proxy-port PROXY_PORT
Set a custom port for the proxy module, default: 3333
Crawler Options:
-c, --crawler Enable the crawler
--max-urls MAXURLS Set max urls for the crawler
--scopes SCOPES Extra allowed scopes, comma separated hostnames (* can
be used as wildcard)
--scope-options SCOPE_OPTIONS
Various scope options (additional info in wiki)
--wordlist WL_FILE Additional web discovery wordlist
--wordlist-ext WL_EXT
Additional comma separated web discovery extensions
(requires wordlist)
--wordlist-404 WL_404
Custom 404 text pattern (default: use status code)
--wordlist-status-codes WL_CODES
Custom comma separated found status codes
Scanner Options:
-s, --scan Enable the scanner
--adv Enable the advanced scripts
--cms Enable the CMS module
--webapp Enable scanning of web application frameworks like
Tomcat / Jboss
--optimize Optimize the Scanner engine (uses more resources)
Comma separated list of scan options (discovery,
passive, injection, dangerous, all)
Login Options:
--login LOGIN_TYPE Set login method: basic, form, form-csrf, header
--login-creds LOGIN_CREDS
Basic Auth credentials username:password
--login-url LOGIN_URL
Set the URL to post to (forms)
--login-data LOGIN_DATA
Set urlencoded login data (forms)
--token-url TOKEN_URL
Get CSRF tokens from this page (default login-url)
Set this header on all requests (OAuth tokens etc..)
example: "Key: Bearer {token}"
Advanced Options:
--threads THREADS Set a custom number of crawling / scanning threads
--sslverify Enable SSL verification (requests will fail without
proper cert)
--database DB The SQLite database to use
-v, --verbose Show verbose stuff
Metasploit Options:
--msf Enable the msfrpcd exploit module
--msf-host MSF_HOST Set the msfrpcd host
--msf-port MSF_PORT Set the msfrpcd port
--msf-creds MSF_CREDS
Set the msfrpcd username:password
--msf-endpoint MSF_URI
Set a custom endpoint URI
--msf-nossl MSF_NOSSL
Disable SSL
--msf-start Start msfrpcd if not running already
Crawl and scan an entire domain -u "" -c -s
Safe scan -u "" -c -s --options "passive,discovery" --adv
Full scan (with unsafe scripts) -u "" -a --options all --max-urls 1000
Scan a single URL -u "" -s
Scan webapps and CMS systems -u "" --webapp --cms
Pwn a web server -u "" --msf
Helios is built for authorized use only!