Count Bigram frequency in a conllu format corpus
1)Place your conllu files into directory named Texts
2)Launch script
2.1)Script works for large files (reads them in 1gb chunks)
2.2)Script creates 2 json files:
bigram_freq.json - dictionary of bigram frequency in corpus
unigram_freq.json - dictionary of unigram frequency in corpus
3)Optional: - sorts dicts by frequency and creates freq_sorted.json files
Calculate Tscores for bigrams based on their frequency
1)Launch script
1.1)If you want to use sorted dicts replace filenames in script to sorted
1.2)Script creates 1 json file:
bigram_t_scores.json - dictionary of bigram t_scores
Formula used:
$N$ - words in corpus (sum of unigram values/frequencies in our case) -
$B_f$ - bigram frequency -
$U1_f$ - 1st unigram frequency -
$U2_f$ - 2nd unigram frequency