This example shows how to create and use the Things Client for managing a thing entity. Find detailed instructions in our tutorial.
The following background knowledge is required for this example
- Maven
- Java
- Asymmetric Cryptography
Set your IDs and keystore passwords in the file src/main/resources/
. Find a cheat sheet in our tutorial.
An authentication using Public-key cryptography is currently not used. If an authentication via Public-key cryptography is desired, this can be inserted quickly, since a template already exists in the source code.
Run the 'DeviceIntegration' main class to create and update a thing:
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java
You will see how a feature with the featureId "counter" will increment his value till 100 is reached. You can track the features grow either in your Terminal or you can use a front-end like described in our "Octopus bidirectional" example.
See the iot-things-examples top level file for license details.