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Soroban React Atomic Swap

The Atomic Swap DApp is a simplified demo of a dapp that performs an atomic operation to swap 2 potentially different amounts of 2 tokens between 2 separate parties, optionally signed and submitted by a third party.


The Atomic Swap DApp relies on the following dependencies:

You need access to/funds from the following contracts:

Atomic Swap: Token:

This demo involves a minimum of 2 parties and 2 different tokens to swap between the parties.


The Atomic Swap DApp offers the following features:

  1. Freighter Wallet Integration: The Atomic Swap DApp seamlessly integrates with Freighter/Albedo/XBull, allowing users to connect their wallet to access Soroban token balances and utilize their signing capabilities for secure and integrity-checked transactions.

  2. Transaction Construction: Leveraging the Soroban atomic swap contract interface, the DApp constructs transactions that invoke the swap method of the swap interface. This method facilitates an atomic swap operation on the Soroban network.

Getting Started

To use the Atomic Swap DApp, follow these steps:

  1. Install and set up one of the supported wallets.
  1. Clone and navigate into the Atomic Swap DApp repository by running the following:

    git clone
    cd soroban-react-atomic-swap
  2. Install the dependencies by running the following:

  3. Deploy the Atomic Swap smart contracts.

For this step you will need to clone and deploy the Atomic Swap smart contract. The Atomic Swap smart contract is a custom contract that will be used to facilitate swaps in the Atomic Swap Dapp.

In a new terminal window, follow the steps below to build and deploy the smart contracts:

git clone
cd soroban-examples/atomic_swap

This will build the smart contracts and put them in the atomic_swap/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release directory.

Next, you will need to deploy the smart contracts to Futurenet. To do this, open a terminal in the soroban-examples/atomic_swap directory and follow the steps below:

soroban contract deploy \
    --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_atomic_swap_contract.wasm \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015'

This will return a contract id that we will need to use later on.

# Example output used for ATOMIC_SWAP_CONTRACT_ID

Token Setup

There are two options for setting up tokens for the Atomic Swap Dapp:

1. Use the Token Minter Dapp

The Token Minter Dapp provides an easy-to-use interface for minting tokens on Soroban. For step-by-step guidance on how to use the dapp, you can watch the video tutorial available in the release notes for the Token Minter Dapp, here.

2. Use the Soroban CLI.

You can also use the Soroban CLI to deploy and mint tokens. To do this, follow the steps below:

For this step you will need to clone and deploy the Soroban token smart contracts. The Soroban tokens are custom tokens that will be swapped in the Atomic Swap Dapp.

Open a new terminal window in the soroban-examples directory and follow the steps below to build and deploy the smart contracts:

cd token

This will build the smart contracts and put them in the token/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release directory.

Next, you will need to deploy the smart contracts to Futurenet. To do this, follow the steps below:

soroban contract deploy \
    --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/soroban_token_contract.wasm \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015'

This will return a contract id that we will need to use later on.

# Example output used for TOKEN_A_CONTRACT_ID
soroban contract invoke \
    --id <TOKEN_A_CONTRACT_ID> \
    --source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' \
    -- initialize \
    --admin <ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY> \
    --decimal 7 \
    --name "Demo Token A" \
    --symbol "DTA"

Next we will need to mint some tokens to two user account. To do this, run the following command:

soroban contract invoke \
    --id <TOKEN_A_CONTRACT_ID> \
    --source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' \
    -- mint \
    --to <USER_A_OR_B_PUBLIC_KEY> \
    --amount 1000000000

Remember: You'll be deploying, initializing token contract twice, once for each token involved in the swap so make sure to store both Contract Ids. You will mint tokens to both users' accounts for each token contract.

After deploying and minting the first token contract using the steps outlined above, simply repeat the process for the second token.

See the example below for initializing and minting the second token contract


soroban contract invoke \
    --id <TOKEN_B_CONTRACT_ID> \
    --source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' \
    -- initialize \
    --admin <ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY> \
    --decimal 7 \
    --name "Demo Token B" \
    --symbol "DTB"


soroban contract invoke \
    --id <TOKEN_B_CONTRACT_ID> \
    --source-account <ADMIN_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY> \
    --rpc-url \
    --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' \
    -- mint \
    --to <USER_A_OR_B_PUBLIC_KEY> \
    --amount 1000000000

Run the Dapp

Once you have deployed the Atomic Swap and Token contracts, you can run the dapp locally by following the steps below:

  1. Enable and add Soroban Tokens in Freighter.

  2. In the soroban-react-atomic-swap directory run the front end with yarn start and navigate to http://localhost:9000/ in your browser.

Make a Swap

Now that you have the Atomic Swap Dapp running locally, you can make a swap!

  1. Connect your wallet to the Atomic Swap Dapp by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button. This will open a Freighter/Albedo/XBull window where you can select your account to connect to the Dapp.

You should see your account address in the top right corner of the screen.

  1. Enter the contract id for the Atomic Swap.

  1. Enter the contract id and amount for Token A you want to swap.

In this example we will swap 1 of Token A for 5 of Token B.

  1. Enter Swapper B's public key and the contract id and amount for Token B you want to swap.

In this example we will swap 5 of Token B for 1 of Token A.

  1. Click the "Build Swap" button to initiate the swap.

This will open a another window in your browser where you will be prompted to sign the transaction with user A's and user B's accounts.

  1. Click the "Connect Wallet" button in the new window to connect user A's account to the Dapp.

  2. Click the "Sign with Wallet" button to sign the transaction with user A's account.

Note: When using the address of the account that initiated the swap, you may not see a window for signing the transaction. This is due to two options for satisfying contract authentication when required by the contract:

  1. The user can sign the authentication entry, or
  2. The user can use "invoker auth" by also being the user who signs the transaction itself.

If the address required for signing contract authentication is also the source account of the transaction in question, it implicitly allows the user to bypass signing the authentication entry. In this case, the signature from the transaction itself is used instead of the signature on the authentication entry.

  1. Switch to user B's account in Freighter/Albedo/XBull and click the "Connect Wallet" button in the new window to connect user B's account to the Dapp.

  2. Click the "Sign with Wallet" button to sign the transaction with user B's account. This will authorize the swap and display a success message.

  1. Switch back to previous tab and click the "Sign with Wallet & Sumbit" button to submit the swap to the network.

  1. You should see a "Transaction Result" message and the swap should be complete!

Congratulations! You have successfully completed an Atomic Swap using Soroban! 🎉

If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to us on discord or file an issue on github.