github-dashboard is a Gitflow helper.
Its main function is to help identify GitHub projects with differences between the develop and master branches.
This view lists your GitHub repositories, along with:
- The current number of commits in develop that are not yet integrated into master;
- The current number of opened pull requests.
Copy the .env.dist
file and define the GitHub username and password that will be used to interact with GitHub's API.
cp .env.dist .env
sed -i 's/GITHUB_SECRET=password_or_token/GITHUB_SECRET=${YOUR_GITHUB_SECRET}/g' .env
make build
make install
make run
docker-compose exec php-apache php bin/console app:repository:fetch ${YOUR_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION}
docker-compose exec php-apache php bin/console app:repository:commit:compare:fetch
docker-compose exec php-apache php bin/console app:pull-request:fetch
x-www-browser "http://$(docker container inspect --format '{{ range .NetworkSettings.Networks }}{{ .IPAddress }}{{ end }}' $(docker container list --format '{{ .Names }}' --filter 'name=php-apache'))"
make reset
make install-php-doctrine
make test